  • 學位論文


A Study on Xunzi’s Ideology on War

指導教授 : 殷善培


荀子作為儒家的代表性人物之一,在其思想體系中具有十分鮮明的特色,這些內容包括軍事、人性、政治,都與孔孟有著各自的理念想法,而在關於軍事國防的論述中,又具有獨特的見解,能夠堅守住儒家的部分觀點,即是在「仁義」和「禮制」的傳統上,又能夠不囿於昔日儒家看待戰爭的論點,提出了具備時代性與儒家特質的用兵之道,他崇尚鼓吹王者之兵的實用價值,明分王者與霸者的軍事能力,強調唯有王者才能稱王天下,而王者除了須以禮義鞏固根本外,也必須對於國防的領域有所了解,才能進而建立起一套完善的軍事制度,其獨特的用兵理論即使與號稱「兵聖」的孫武相比亦有其可觀之處,絲毫不遜色於兵家思想,本文便以荀子為核心,兼論具有時代意義價值或是與其他學派的論點可資借鑒的作品,即孫子的《孫子兵法》及商鞅之《商君書》。 戰爭前的準備工作關係著戰爭的勝負結果,戰備的目的便在於超前於敵人,使得在未戰之前便有了戰勝敵人的勝算與把握,故準備的工作絕不能大意疏忽,需要進行戰備的項目繁多,但主要不外乎政治、軍事、經濟、外交等四個方面,而這四者之間又互有關聯,如政治方針勢必影響軍事情況,而國家的軍事活動,又一切仰賴經濟以維持命脈,因此四者缺一不可,必須有同樣的默契與目的,積極的邁向富國強兵的理想。 戰爭既已無法避免,則將戰爭所帶來的傷害減至最低,便是上上之策,荀子對於兼併他國的方法亦不能免,他強調「全勝」的概念,戰爭最困難之處在於保全得到的土地,保全人民兵士的性命,使之成為爭天下的後盾而非拖垮經濟的險著。荀子著重以德兼人方能使人民心悅誠服,為國家帶來最大的續戰力,否則得到的土地僅是拖垮經濟的累贅。 另外,帶領軍隊與敵人互相較勁於沙場的將帥,也是關乎成敗的樞紐,空有精良的武器設備、訓練有素的士兵、視死如歸的士氣,卻沒有良好的將帥領導者,也將孤掌難鳴、有力難伸。而為將帥者有著什麼樣的本質與特色,是君主在選用將才時,當特別謹慎行事的,將帥本身也應修持自身的情緒德性,將個人的喜怒哀樂置之度外,不輕易表達自己的情感好惡,這樣才是足以託付全軍、值得信賴的優秀將領。 全文分為五章,分別為緒論、為何戰?戰爭的本質、如何戰?備戰與攻防、戰爭的反省、結論,分別討論了戰爭的源起,以及在戰爭思維中相當重要的戰爭前準備以及戰場上的行軍要訣,層層推進。掌握在亂世之中,荀子以何種方式能夠兼採眾人之長,在維護儒家的主體上,開創出具有實用價值的思維模式及應對方針。


荀子 議兵 戰爭思想 堅凝


As a representative figure of Confucianism, Xunzi’s unique ideology includes vivid discussions on issues in military affairs, human nature, and politics. While Xunzi holds ideas and opinions that separate him from Confucius and Mencius, especially given his unique views on military affairs, he still holds on to some of the fundamental views in Confucianism. Even when faced with the traditions of ren and li, Xunzi is capable of breaking free from conventional Confucianist views on war and propose tactics that reflect his times while still bearing Confucianist characteristics. He esteems and promotes the practical value of ruling by virtue, distinguishing between a virtuous ruler’s and a coercive ruler’s military abilities and emphasizing that only a virtuous ruler can rule the world. Additionally, aside from strengthening the foundation of li and yi, a virtuous must also be proficient in national defense issues in order to establish a well-rounded military system. Xunzi’s unique tactic theory is considerably impressive even when compared to Sun Tzu, who is known as the “master of tactics,” and is on par with professional militarists. This study starts with Xunzi and discusses works that are significant for being representative of their era and works on other schools of thought that are worth referencing, including Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and Shang Yang’s The Book of Lord Shang. This paper contains five chapters, including the introduction (why battle), intrinsic qualities of war (how to battle), war preparation and defense, reflection on war, and the conclusion. Discussion progresses in topics involving the origin of war as well as war preparation and marching tips, which are both crucial to tactics. The paper examines how Xunzi, in troubled times, takes advantage of other theories’ forte and, while still upholding Confucianism, establishes ideologies and strategies that have practical value.


Xunzi tactic discussion war ideologies perserverance



