  • 學位論文


Using EMI Testing to Optimize Internal Circuits Design in All-In-One Personal Computers

指導教授 : 李維聰


在目前二十一世紀,人們買商品會逐漸的取向所謂的C/P(Cost Performance)值高的產品。其就字面上翻譯為:[用最合理的價錢,買到最高效能的產品。]如果用英語來翻譯則為: (price-performance ratio,或翻譯為價格效能,或稱成本效益比)。其在經濟學和工程學所指的性價比,指的是一個產品根據它的價格所能提供的性能能力。在不考慮任何其他因素下,一般來說有著更高性價比的產品,絕對是消費者最主要考量購買的要素之一。 因此這邊會延伸探討的是,從電腦內部設計方面一直到整個外觀系統。從內,要如何確保材料品質、價格壓低,但重點是絕不可失去該有的規格要求。當延伸至外產品做出來時,要如何吸引消費者購買All-In-One PC (一體機電腦),及要怎麼挑選才可以讓消費者覺得該物品物超所值,第一個考量點,不外乎絕對是價格上的多寡。 所以,就本文來說,如果要談論價格方面之前,我們必須先有一個基本觀念。所有的電子產品乃是由一件一件的零組件組裝結合完成,絕對不可能是只由單一個零組件來完成組合。有了此概念後,本文就會把範圍縮小到只針對內部HDMI線材設計的部分做探討,然後才思考該線材如何抑制雜訊,又可以達到客戶要求,價格也不會太過昂貴的情況下,最後再藉由搭配實際模擬結果,得到一個最佳的線材設計方案。如此才會將其結果提供給客戶做一個參考選用價值。


輻射 線材 一體機電腦 HDMI


In the twenty-first century, people buy goods will gradually orient the so-called C / P (Cost Performance) value of the product. It is literally translated as: [with the most reasonable price, to buy the highest performance products. Price-performance ratio, or cost-effectiveness, or cost-effectiveness). Its economics and engineering refers to the price / performance ratio, refers to a product according to its price can provide performance capabilities. Without considering any other factors, in general, has a more cost-effective products, consumers are definitely the most important consideration to buy one of the elements. So here will be extended to explore, from the computer interior design has been to the entire appearance of the system. From the inside, how to ensure that the material quality, price down, but the focus is not to lose some of the specifications. How to attract consumers to buy All-In-One PC (one machine computer), and how to choose to make consumers feel that the value of the goods, the first point of consideration, Nothing more than the price is definitely the amount of money. So, for this article, if we want to talk about the price before, we must first have a basic idea. All the electronic products are assembled by a combination of one piece of components to complete, it is absolutely impossible to complete a combination of only a single component. With this concept, this article will narrow the scope to only the internal HDMI cable design part of the discussion, and then think about how to suppress the noise wire, but also to meet customer requirements, the price will not be too expensive, and finally by using the actual simulation results, get a best wire design. So that the results will be provided to the customer to make a reference value.


Radiation Cable All-In-One PC HDMI


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