  • 學位論文


Obama’s Foreign Policy toward Cuba (2009-2016)

指導教授 : 王秀琦


在古巴革命後,美古關係日益惡化,最終古巴倒向了蘇聯,此一時期,美國利用各種外交、經濟以及軍事手段來試圖推翻卡斯楚政權,最終爆發了1962年的古巴飛彈危機。此事件也成為了美古雙方相互敵視的最主要的原因,此後兩國間一直處於對立及隔絕的情況。 美古雙方斷交數十年後,雖在柯林頓試圖在美古關係上做出改變,但最後仍在國內的壓力下無法取得長足的進展。而在歐巴馬時期為何可以成功的與古巴復交,乃本論文將探究之主要議題。 即便雙方雖皆希望與對方進一步改善關係,但雙方仍有許多歧見及阻礙,本文將探究美古是透過哪些合作來補足互信的不足,及美古雙方於2014年12月17日宣佈將進行關係正常化的談判後,美古雙方在談判中獲得哪些成果。 另亦對美國放寬對古巴在旅行以及匯款的限制後,對於古巴在政治、經濟以及文化上的影響做出探討。


After the Cuban revolution, the U.S.-Cuba relations deteriorated, and eventually Cuba became an ally of the Soviet Union. In the decades that followed, the U.S. administrations utilized all kinds of diplomatic, economic and military means to overthrow the Castro regime. In 1962 Cuban missile crisis took place. The crisis contributed to the further antagonism between both sides. Since then the two countries have been in the enmity and separation. After severing ties for decades, Clinton administration intended to make changes in U.S.-Cuba relations, yet he was unable to make important progress under domestic dissension. The object of this thesis is to explore why Obama’s presidency could have achieved the re-establishment of U.S. and Cuba diplomatic relation successfully. Even though both U.S. and Cuba look forward to improve relations with each other, there are still differences and obstacles between them. The thesis also want to specify how they mended the lack of mutual trust through cooperation, and the agreements and consensus they had reached after opening negotiations on normalization of bilateral relations since December 17th, 2014. In this research, the author also investigates how the lifting of U.S.’s restrictions on travel and remittances influences Cuba politically, economically and culturally.


Feinberg, Richard E. (2016). Open for Business: Building the New Cuban Economy. Washington D.C.: Brooking Institution Press.
Lazo, Mario (1970). Dagger in the heart: American policy failures in Cuba. New York, NY: Twin Circle.
LeoGrande, William M. and Kornbluh, Peter (2014). Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press.
