  • 學位論文


French gastronomy and the notion of intangible cultural heritage: historical and linguistic studies

指導教授 : 梁蓉


近年來,由於聯合國教科文組織«保護無形文化遺產公約»的出現,美食文化逐漸備受重視。於2010年法國美食被列入此項遺產中,成為維護美食文化的首要先鋒。本論文將透過歷史與語言學的研究手法,窺探法國美食與無形文化遺產兩者之間所產生的緊密連結。 第一章節中,為了有助於瞭解法國美食對於後世的影響與浸潤,將先著重於美食的起源,隨後將觀察法國當前是藉由何種方式對此文化進行傳遞與推廣。第二章,我們會揭開法國各區風土美食的多樣性,並以法國美食重鎮-里昂市,其歷時悠久之特產:«魚腸»為研究案例。第三章,將以烹飪書和美食指南來探究法國美食的傳播。再者,美食行銷和國際化之發展也具有不容忽視的影響力。通過本研究,將會發現法國美食當今於國際上扮演著重要角色。


The preservation of gastronomic culture has been a growing concern in the recent years, and it’s thanks to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In 2010, UNESCO declares that French cuisine is a world intangible heritage, this is a first pioneer gastronomical all over the world. In this thesis, we will discover the link between French gastronomy and the intangible cultural heritage via the historical and linguistic approach. To better understand the influence of French gastronomy for future generations, our study will focus in the origin of the gastronomy. In the second part of my study will bring to light the diversity of French cuisine in each region with reference to the city of Lyon “The Capital of the Gastronomy” and to one of its specialties foods for their quenelles lyonnaise. The last part, we will find out the important role of the French cookbooks and gastronomic guides in the dissemination of gastronomy throughout the world. Through the development in the field of marketing and international, we will presently reveal the position of this culture heritage.


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