  • 學位論文


Prospective study of the silk road, the process of globalization and effects in the contemporary city

指導教授 : 陳小雀


本論文主要分析全球化對社會之影響,並與絲路在當代城市的經濟、文化及社會層面相連結。除了敘述歷史以外,本論文以商業前景切入,比較土地開發計畫模式,考慮外部政策對空間和具體影響,探討經濟發展,以及中國、台灣、巴拿馬和城市擴充。 本論文對中國及巴拿馬在不同歷史脈絡下的全球化背景、環境、前因進行分析,以描述的方式使該理論結構貫穿每一個主題。研究架構包括:收集和分析與城市發展相關的經濟產業歷史數據。專家的意見是建立所有工作中最重要的部分,同時也使用了許多圖像數據來支持該論文。 這項研究的結果旨在顯示,台灣與巴拿馬在主要經濟模式、政治、社會和文化方面呈現出和諧的全球化城市狀態。另外,它同時也顯示出全球化如何改變這些國家的地緣政治、面對媒體技術的發展,這是當代全球化的一個非常特別的部分。


The main objective of this research work is to analyze the impact of globalization in society, linking economic cultural and social aspects of the Silk Road with the contemporary city. In addition to describing historical moments, we also study the economic development and behavior of the cities of Taiwan and Panama, from commercial prospective, comparing models of territorial development plans, taking into account the external policies that influence spatial physical behavior. This thesis project makes an analysis that includes the context, the environment and antecedents of globalization, in different moments of history, mainly in China and Panama, the theoretical framework supports each one of the subjects developed in a descriptive way. A methodology used incorporates the collection and analysis of data that address historical uses of economic development linked to the growth of cities. The opinion of experts is of utmost importance for the structuring of this work, which likewise uses proven resources to support it. The result of this research intends to show an alternative that allows to harmonize the global city, with the dominant economic models, political, social and cultural aspects of Panama and Taiwan. It also shows how globalization has altered the geopolitics of these countries against the development of media technology, something very particular of contemporary globalization.


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