  • 學位論文


Optimal Mechanics of Origami Folding Structures

指導教授 : 王建凱


摺疊結構是近年新興的結構力學研究領域,其優點在於透過摺疊單元的配置,得以調整結構本身的勁度,進而達到更好的結構承載效率,並且因為其摺疊紋理的特殊結構型式,結構能收縮至一定的限制空間大小,使得結構具承載與存放之便利性。 本論文從事最佳設計力學於摺疊結構之研究,主要分為三大主題:分別為結構紋理配置、結構力學分析以及最佳化設計。首先介紹摺疊結構之摺疊紋理配置,本研究之紋理配置方法一是利用摺疊軟體Freeform-Origami進行紋理配置,二是以摺紙學搭配力學理論,來尋求適當之結構摺疊紋理;於結構力學分析方面,本論文利用有限元素分析套裝軟體ABAQUS與以MATLAB開發之有限元素分析程式FEM16對於摺疊結構進行力學分析,以探討具經典摺疊紋理類型Eggbox及Miura之結構,了解其具有特有之力學性質;第三方面則是最佳化設計,首先簡述最佳化的主要問題型式:分別為尺寸最佳化設計、形狀最佳化設計以及拓樸最佳化設計,並針對形狀最佳化設計問題,做為本論文之研究主軸,而最佳化演算法之實作方面,主要是利用FEM16搭配MATLAB函式庫之fmincon規劃求解,並且以兩種經典摺疊紋理Eggbox及Miura之結構為基礎,對於不同設計變數(坡高、節點XY座標)、不同之結構束制型式(坡谷、邊界或懸臂樑)以及不同之限制條件(節點位移與摺疊紋理材料泊松比)設定之下,求取對應之最佳化結構。最後,綜合本研究之三大主題,對於摺疊結構之特有力學特性與其最佳設計結構之優異承載效率做一綜述。


This research integrates finite element analysis with foldable texture forming to study optimal design of origami structures. Computer programming for numerical optimization shows a great potential for structural analysis and design. The aim of this thesis is to reveal this potential in research area of origami folding structures. In the finite element method for structural analysis, the folding structures are modelled as a pin-jointed truss system, which allows the use of developed structural engineering methods to gain insight into the kinematics and loading capacities of the foldable sheets. With the help of numerical optimization, an economic way of generating origami foldings becomes feasible for structures of such complex geometries. Thus, established origami sheets for engineering applications may be understood and then spread more. Finally, novel engineering application of origami structures including both the flexibility and the rigidity the folding texture patterns provide is discussed.


Origami Folding Structures Optimal Mechanics


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