  • 學位論文


U.S.' China policy under the strategy of the U.S Rebalancing to Asia-Pacific(2009-2014)

指導教授 : 李大中


本論文描述美國亞太再平衡戰略之下美國對中政策,特別專注在2009年至2014年,橫跨歐巴馬政權的首任至第二任任期中。 本研究發現,美國自2009 年歐巴馬上任後,選擇從中東的目光轉向到亞太地區,提出重返亞太之理念,隨後在2011年底提出美國再平衡戰略,期望透過外交及經濟等一系列之作為全力參與亞太地區。 而這一系列之作為與中國崛起息息相關,根據美國前官員唐尼倫(Thomas E. Donilon)指出之五項要點 ,與中國加深交往無非是再平衡戰略當中的重要支柱,因中國近來的快速崛起與強勢外交已經引起擔憂,正因中國的快速崛起,美國的目標即是管理美中關係,因這有關於美國維持領導地位。 但美國為求全力參與亞太地區的同時也遭受到不少挑戰與質疑,美國因金融風暴造成的實力受挫、出兵中東造成的虧損、2013年放棄出席APEC;接著,美國的作為過於直指中國,造成美中的戰略互疑,這也造成美中在雙邊、區域或國際上議題造成困難。 最後,提及近年來美國再平衡之下的對中政策,美國目前仍遂行交往與遏止的兩手策略來與中國進行交往,進而達到「鬥而不破」的目標,雖目前美中雙方在許多議題上合作,且但雙方仍有歧見,對於追求合作的雙方仍有阻礙。而未來雙方應如何突破現狀,仍有待時間驗證。


Since U.S. President Obama started his 1st term in 2009, he has changed the original strategy and moved the strategic focus from Middle East to Asia-Pacific region. The idea so called “Pivot to Asia,”and renamed as Rebalancing strategy in 2011. The Strategy meant the U.S. would apply all kind of ways like diplomatic and economic policy to participate in the Asia-Pacific region. Allthe U.S. did is related to the rise of China. According to Thomas E. Donilon, he purposed 5 pillars, one of the most important one is to enhance the positive relationship with China. Because China rises rapidly and its assertive diplomacy had alrealdy caused concern. Due to the rapid rise of China, the primary goal for the U.S. is to manage U.S.-China relation, sustaining the U.S. leading status. However, there are some challenges and doubts for the U.S., fisrt, the U.S suffered from the financial crisis, it caused the cost from sending troops to the Middle East, absence from the 2013 APEC summit. Second, the U.S Rebalancing strategy seems to fight against China.It would cause strategic mistrust; it also generated difficulties in bilateral, reigional and international arena between U.S.and China. In the end, when its refers to the U.S.’ China policy under the Rebalancing to Asia-Pacific strategy, we can find that the U.S. is doing the two-pronged strategy to China, and achieve the goal of“struggle, do not break” situation. Although the U.S. and China can cooperate in some areas, in terms of the disagreement hinders the two nations to pursue further cooperation. Therefore, how to make a breakthrough for the U.S. and China? Time will prove.


