  • 學位論文


The Interaction of Text and Image in Spanish Children’s Literature: Los tres cerditos, Conejos de etiqueta, Pino quiere a Nina, Lo que comen los ratones, Cinco ovejitas and La noche del Marramiáu

指導教授 : 宋麗玲


本論文研究目的在於探討兒童圖畫書文字與圖像之間的合作關係,針對西班牙天主教兒童協會(CCEI)得獎圖畫書作品《三隻小豬》、《被貼標籤的兔子》、《皮諾喜歡妮娜》、《老鼠的食物》、《五隻小羊》和《瑪拉喵之夜》六本圖畫書進行文本與圖畫雙方面的探究。首先整理並歸納古瑟•奎斯及范李文•席歐 (Kress y van Leeuwen) 所提出的視覺文法。另外,探討尼可拉傑娃及史考特 (Nikolajeva y Scott) 及諾德曼 (Nodelman) 所提出的圖文合作理論及閱讀圖像中時間及動作的發展。 本論文回顧歐美及西班牙兒童圖畫書的發展與概況。隨後介紹六本圖畫書作者與插畫家的生平,並根據故事內容分為五大主題:勤奮的美德、同理心、友誼之美、幽默及愛情。藉由上述三位學者所提出的圖文分析理論,提供給觀者閱讀圖像的特定方式,進而更加了解圖畫書如何透過文字及圖畫之間的合作傳達出作品含蓄的及明確的訊息。


The purpose of this thesis is analysing the interaction of Text and Image in six children’s picturebooks which have been awarded the Spanish Catholicism Children Association (CCEI) prize of illustration: Los tres cerditos, Conejos de etiqueta, Pino quiere a Nina, Lo que comen los ratones, Cinco ovejitas and La noche del Marramiáu. First of all, I attempt to organize and summarize the visual grammar that have been proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen. We will also talk about the interaction of picturebooks’ study and how the visual elements present the time and movement proposed by Nikolajeva and Scott and Nodelman. Secondly, we’ll go through the children’s picturebooks history in Europe, the United States and Spain. Thirdly, we’ll introduce the authors and illustrators of each picturebook. Furthermore, according to the difference of the context, we will divide these six picturebooks into five topics: virtue, empathy, friendship, humor and love. Through those theories proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen, Nikolajeva and Scott and Nodelman, we will learn some specific ways to read the pictures and we’ll know better how picturebooks display implicit and explicit information through the collaboration of words and images.


Colomer, T. (2010). Introducción a la literatura infantil y juvenil actual. 2 edición. Madrid: Sintesis.
Kress, G. y van Leeuwen, T. (2006). Reading Images. The Grammar of Visual Design. 2 edición, New York: Routledge.
Moya Guijarro, J. (2014). A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Book for Children, United Kingdom: Equinox.
Nikolajeva, M. y Scott, C. (2006). How picturebooks work, New York: Routledge.
Zaparaín, F. y González, L. (2010). Cruces de caminos: los álbumes ilustrados: construcción y lectura, Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial; Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
