  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 黃復山
共同指導教授 : 蔣秋華(Chiu-hua Chiang)


《詩經》是中國最早的詩歌總集,當中記錄了先民的生活樣貌。周代社會雖然以農業為主要的生產方式,狩獵卻未消失,它成為一種具有文化意義的活動。本論文研究《詩經》中的田獵詩,試圖勾勒出當時狩獵生活的面貌。   本論文分為六章,第一章為緒論。第二章為《詩經》田獵詩內容探究,從《詩經》中歸納出九首田獵詩,將之區分為描寫個體田獵活動的詩篇及描寫田獵壯觀場面的詩篇兩類,分別歸納歷代各家說法,探討其詩旨。   第三章為《詩經》田獵詩與周代社會,探討周代田獵與經濟、軍事、祭祀、娛樂活動的關係,可以發現田獵活動在周代社會生活中,佔有重要的地位。   第四章為《詩經》田獵詩與周代狩獵生活,歸納《詩經》田獵詩中的材料,將之分為狩獵的方式、狩獵所用的器具、狩獵所見的動物三部分論述。狩獵的方式共有網獵、射獵、赤手空拳、焚獵火田四種。狩獵所用的器具共有車輛、弓、矢、網、配件與裝飾五大類。狩獵所見的動物分為家畜與獵物兩類,家畜有犬與馬兩種;獵物又分成鳥類、獸類,鳥類共四種,獸類共九種。   第五章為《詩經》田獵詩所呈現的思想精神,從《詩經》田獵詩中對男性的審美觀、《詩經》田獵詩中之尚武精神兩方面分析。可看出《詩經》時代對男性的欣賞是剛柔並濟的,男性不但須具有外顯陽剛的壯美、還要具備內在陰柔的優美。從人們對獵者個歌頌、熟悉射箭與駕車技能、尚武成為一種生活態度等方面來看,《詩經》田獵詩整體呈現崇尚勇武的精神。   第六章為結論,總結《詩經》田獵詩展現的各種風貌。


詩經 田獵 尚武精神


Shijing is the primordial composition, as well as the earliest existing collection of classic Chinese poetry. It documents and supports, with references, ancient ancestral heritage in the livelihood of traditional Chinese society. Agriculture was the primary livelihood in the Zhou Dynasty, which is based on maintaining farmland and producing crops. Chronologically earlier, hunting has a long history and it was one manifestation of primeval daily sustenance in traditional Chinese society. To put it another way, hunting still existed in the Zhou Dynasty era and it did not disappear. Furthermore, hunting came to have profound historical, meaningful and cultural significance. This thesis comprises six chapters. Chapter One is the introduction. Chapter Two is the literature review of hunting poetry from Shijing, and there are nine hunting poems which are generalized from it. Moreover, these hunting poems are distinguished into two categories. The characterization/depiction of individual hunting movement, as well as the spectacular landscapes hunted in, are discussed and summed up through the essence of poetry from Shijing throughout each dynasty in chronological order. Chapter Three probes into the hunting poetry of Shijing, which is associated with the Zhou Dynasty era. It critically scrutinizes the interconnection of economy, military affairs, ritual (known as a manifestation of ancestor worship), and the inhabitants’ recreational activities in the Zhou Dynasty society. In other words, the hunting events demonstrate and reveal crucial elements through the classic Chinese poetry of Shijing during the Zhou Dynasty. Chapter Four elaborates upon the sources of livelihood by hunting in the Zhou Dynasty era. In accordance with the crucial components of the hunting poetry from Shijing, it is divided into three categories; the techniques of hunting, the hunting equipment usage, and the species of animals, domestic and wild. Efficient ways of hunting utilized four different techniques: traps made of netting, bows and arrows, bare fists, and torching farmland or hunting fields in order to capture animals. The implements for hunting are classified into five different categories; wagons or carriages, bows and arrows, netting, hunting accessories, and disguise. The species of animals hunted are distinguished into domestic and wildlife categories. The domestic animals refer to dogs and horses. The wildlife are categorized into four different species of birds and nine different species of land animals. Chapter Five analyzes the ideological consciousness in hunting poetry from Shijing, which is presented in one part by masculine aesthetic conception and in another part by the encouraging of military spirit from. To put it in perspective, the admiration of qualities have transformed into masculinity during the chronical of Shijing, which is to couple strength and gentleness individually in manhood. The qualities of manhood are not only to have the build of masculinity but also to possess the elegance of femininity in their characters. People idolized and worshipped their favorite hunters, who were skilled and acquainted with archery, as well as capable of driving wagons or carriages. The perspective of valiance has become a standard and attitude in life. The characteristics of valor and the encouraging of military spirit are well demonstrated throughout the hunting poetry from Shijing in general. Chapter Six is the conclusion and it summarizes a variety of essential features and aspects which are reflected in hunting poetry from Shijing.


Shi Jing Hunting military spirit



