  • 學位論文


A Study on the Practices of Samantabhadra in Hua-yen Buddhism

指導教授 : 高柏園 老師 陳英善 老師


《華嚴經》無論是從修行的觀點或從佛學研究的角度來看,都提供了豐富的內容和思考空間,以圓融的觀點展現法界無盡緣起之思想結構。《華嚴經》所表現的不僅是理論與概念,最重要的是能夠作為修行取證的指針,作為實踐之依據,依此行持能達到解脫,而成就佛果。 《華嚴經》最大之特色,是教導眾生如何修學普賢行?如何修學菩薩道?讓所有修學佛法之行者都有依循之方法,循序漸進的修持,不會在修學之歷程上有所迷惑。其中,教化眾生、救度眾生、願代眾生苦、不捨一位眾生,最難得是怨親平等,這都是普賢行之殊勝處。不僅要以普賢行願為修行之目標,亦要將修行之功德迴向給眾生,亦令眾生修學普賢行。至於論述程序與內容架構如下列所述: 第一章〈緒論〉主要說明研究動機與方法,以及《華嚴經》之傳譯。 第二章〈普賢十大願之殊勝〉首先就經典以及祖師對「普賢」之定義,次就十大願之義涵作一概括性之論述。 第三章〈普賢行之次第與圓融〉就《華嚴經》的經文脈絡,有三次說明六位因果之關係,作綜合性整理與闡述。 第四章〈普賢行法之特色〉從華嚴宗祖師的著作中,對觀行法門作疏理,以及對法界緣起之德用的闡發,指出一乘普賢行之殊勝,作疏理與論述。 第五章〈普賢行之時代與生活義涵〉就「普賢十大願」在現代社會的運用與實踐,次以〈淨行品〉隨事歷緣而發願,在日常生活中之運用。 第六章〈結論〉總結整篇論文的研究成果,並闡述未來可能的研究方向。


No matter whether from the perspective of practice or Buddhist studies, the Avātaṃsaka Sutra (also known as Flower Ornament Sutra or Huayen Sutra) offers a wealth of content and a great opportunity for thinking, showing the ideological structure of infinite origin of Dharmadhatu from the point of view of harmony. The Avātaṃsaka Sutra not only presents its theories and concepts; the most important is that it can also be used as the criterion of practice and verification for practitioners. Through such practice, the true liberation and thereby the Buddhahood can be achieved. The greatest feature of the Avātaṃsaka Sutra is to teach all sentient beings to learn the practice of Samantabhadra (Universal Worthy) and to walk the Bodhisattva path, providing all Buddhist practitioners a useful method to follow and to practice step by step without having any confusion during the practice. The extraordinary features of the practice of Samantabhadra include enlightening all sentient beings, saving all sentient beings, suffering on behalf of all sentient beings, abandoning no sentient beings, and the most noble one, being impartial toward enemies and relatives. It is not only about setting the practice and vows of Samantabhadra as the goal of practice; it is also about being willing to transfer the merits to all sentient beings and getting all sentient beings motivated to cultivate the practice of Samantabhadra. The procedure of discussion and research framework are listed as below: Chapter 1, “Introduction”, mainly describes the research motivation and methods of the study, as well as the translations of the Avātaṃsaka Sutra. Chapter 2, “Extraordinariness of the Ten Great Vows of Samantabhadra”, includes the general discussion on the definition of Samantabhadra given in the sutra and by the founders of Huayen Buddhism and the meaning of the Ten Great Vows. Chapter 3, “Sequence and Harmony of the Practice of Samantabhadra”, conducts a comprehensive organization and elaboration of the three-time explanation on the relationship of six stages in the scripture context of the Avātaṃsaka Sutra. Chapter 4, “Features of the Practice of Samantabhadra”, orders and organizes the practice ways and discusses the meritorious function of the origin of Dharmadhatu based on the writings of the founders of Huayen Buddhism, and points out the extraordinariness of One Vehicle of the Practice Samantabhadra. Chapter 5, “Contemporary and Life Meanings of the Practice of Samantabhadra”, explores the use and practice of the Ten Great Vows of Samantabhadra in the modern society, as well as the application of Pure Practice chapter for making vows according to the encountered circumstances and experiences in daily life. Chapter 6, “Conclusion”, summarizes the research results of the whole study and provides the possible future research directions.


勞思光 《中國哲學史》,台北:三民書局,1999年。
劉貴傑 《華嚴宗入門》,台北:東大圖書公司,2002年。

