  • 學位論文


Analysis of Financial Liberalization in Mainland China Development of THE Bank of Taiwan

指導教授 : 林蒼祥 涂登才


我國銀行業前幾年受到國內產業外移、銀行家數過多過度競爭、政策限制登陸發展等影響因素,使銀行業困守臺灣市場,由於缺乏新種金融商品的創新能力,導致銀行業務集中在消費金融或房貸等授信業務而且彼此惡性殺價,加上美國連動債、次級房貸與二房等金融風暴影響,對銀行業經營無疑是雪上加霜,銀行利差從2000年的2.99%逐年降低到2013年的1.43%,金融及保險業名目生產毛額占 GDP 比重從2002年的8.02%逐年降低到2013年的6.52%,ROE及ROA在2009年兩岸簽署MOU前為0.16%、2.47%,2000~2013年的平均ROA僅 0.32%,ROE僅4.95%。 中國大陸金融開放泛指中國大陸金融市場與國際金融市場相接軌、融為一體以保證國內外金融資源自由化流動過程,消除金融管制和妨礙金融資源自由流動和配置的各種壁壘。2009年底兩岸簽署金融監理合作瞭解備忘錄(MOU),台灣金融業終於可以開始參與中國大陸市場。兩岸簽署ECFA以及「兩岸貨幣清算機制」,人民幣業務正式在台上路,銀行各項新種金融商品業務陸續開放。加上兩岸「金銀三會」已達成協議,互相放寬對方銀行准入市場,這項協議會引起台灣銀行結構調整,耕耘兩岸市場業者終於等到大展鴻圖的機會,固守本土市場業者則要面臨新的挑戰。而兩岸服貿協議的簽訂,我國自由經濟示範區成立與上海自由貿易試驗區的崛起,在在都充滿金融業商機與金融商品的發展與競爭,因此如何讓兩岸金融合作往前邁進與突破,一直是兩岸政府、金融機構與民間商討的重點。 中國大陸金融開放無疑為台灣銀行業開創另一片藍海發展的新天地,應該積極銀行整併發展區域銀行拓展國際市場版圖、開發跨境交易平台以配合發展區域銀行之願景,業務發展雲端網路電子化、健全金融制度與法規、加速汰弱存強並改善體質、培訓國際金融人才,與國際經營管理經驗、擴大資產規模、與外國金融機構、中資銀行進行業務合作或策略聯盟、參股中資銀行,創新與開發人民幣業務相關新種金融商品與OBU相關業務、建立一致性國際監理制度與風險控管、開創國際併購經驗。 本研究從台灣金融市場-銀行業角度著手,探討中國大陸金融開放以後,所面臨的挑戰與機會,各個面向分析對台灣銀行業的可能影響,也從人民幣經濟圈擴大,瞭解中國大陸金融開放的進程中,台灣銀行業可能會帶來的衝擊與商機、風險與威脅,並在面對金融全球化的當下,進而逐步發展成為人民幣離岸中心,並為銀行創造新的人民幣金融商機。


Taiwan's banking industry a few years ago by the relocation of the domestic industry, the number of bankers too excessive competition, policy development and other factors limit the landing, so that the banking barricaded the Taiwan market, the lack of new financial products innovation, leading to banking focused on consumer finance or mortgage and other credit business and another cut-throat, plus the United States linked bonds, such as subprime mortgages and two-bedroom financial turmoil, the banking operations is undoubtedly worse, bank spreads from 2.99% in 2000 to 2013 to reduce yearly 1.43 %, finance and insurance accounted for nominal GDP, gross production of 8.02% from 2002 to 2013 to reduce gradually the 6.52%, ROE and ROA before the two sides signed the MOU in 2009 was 0.16%, 2.47%, from 2000 to 2013 average ROA is only 0.32%, ROE of 4.95% only. Financial liberalization in China refers to mainland China's financial markets and international financial markets of convergence, integration of domestic and international financial resources to ensure the flow of the process of liberalization, elimination of barriers to financial regulation and impede the free flow of financial resources and configuration.By the end of 2009 the two sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding financial supervisory cooperation (MOU), Taiwan's financial industry can finally begin to participate in China mainland market. The two sides signed the ECFA and "cross-strait currency settlement mechanism," the official road RMB business in Taiwan, Bank of the new financial products businesses continue to open. Plus the cross-strait "three gold and silver will" have agreed to relax the other bank mutual market access, this agreement will lead to restructuring the Bank of Taiwan, the opportunity to work both sides of the market until finally the great success of the industry, industry will have to stick to the local market faces new challenge. The two sides signed a trade agreement in services, the establishment of free economic demonstration zone of free trade and the rise of the Shanghai pilot area in full development and competition in both the financial sector and financial products business, so how to move forward with the cross-strait financial cooperation breakthrough has been the focus of the two governments, financial institutions and civil discussion. Chinese mainland for Taiwan's banking financial liberalization undoubtedly create a new world another piece of blue ocean development, and should actively Bank and regional development banks to expand throughout the international market territory, development of cross-border trading platform to meet the vision of regional development banks, Internet e-business development cloud , a sound financial system and regulations, accelerated elimination of the weak and strong memory and improve physical fitness, training in international finance professionals with international experience in operations management, expand the scale of assets, and foreign financial institutions, banks conduct business cooperation or strategic alliances, equity participation in banks innovation and development of new RMB business-related financial products and OBU related business, to establish consistency international supervision and risk management system, creating international mergers and acquisitions experience. This study from Taiwan's financial markets - banking angle begin to explore the Chinese mainland after financial liberalization, the challenges and opportunities faced by the various banking-oriented analysis of the possible effects of Taiwan, but also from the economic circle of RMB to expand understanding of financial liberalization in China process, Taiwanese banks may bring the impact and opportunities, risks and threats, and in the face of the current financial globalization, and gradually developed into an offshore RMB center, and the creation of new RMB financial business opportunities for banks .


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