  • 學位論文


A Novel Protocol UDCP for improving fairness and maintaining the high-speed transmission rate of UDP

指導教授 : 李維聰


近年來隨著網際網路的快速發展,越來越多的網路應用逐漸出現,尤其在頻寬快速成長的結果之下,網路多媒體的應用越來越豐富與多元。隨著需求的改變,網際網路的傳輸協定也日漸多樣化,現在的網際網路世界已經非常的複雜,許許多多協定共存著,在多協定共存的情況下各傳輸協定間如何相處就成了一個十分大的問題。 在研究網路傳輸協定的共存問題時不外乎就是兩個重點-公平性與效率,而這兩項重點基本上就是一種矛盾的存在,在傳統的傳輸協定中將公平性發揮的較為完好的就是傳輸控制協定(Transmission Control Protocol ,TCP),在該協定中為了避免大量的傳輸造成網路環境的阻塞與破壞,所以建立了擁塞控制機制(Congestion Control),不過在建立這像機制的同時確會導致傳輸的過程中會自我設限,導致效率降低。另一方面在效率的部分則是用戶數據報協定(User Datagram Protocol, UDP)表現的較為優良,不過由於該協定不會調整自身傳輸速率,所以會有頻寬掠奪上的問題,相對於TCP來說,UDP是十分不公平但卻快速的協定。在過去UDP的不公平也許不是太大的問題,因為使用比例不大,但隨著頻寬的快速發展與網路多媒體的普及應用,造成了UDP的使用比例的快速上升,TCP使用者的頻寬被大量掠奪,為此網際網路工程任務組(Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF)提出了數據擁塞控制協定(Datagram Congestion Control Protocol , DCCP)。然而這個協定雖然改善了公平性上的問題,但在模擬測試上卻發現它太過友善,這將會導致我們在需要UDP的高速傳輸特性時無法使用DCCP取代UDP,所以我們希望找到一個方法去改善UDP的公平性但又同時保持高速傳輸的特性。 在這篇論文中我們提出用戶數據報控制協定(User Datagram Control Protocol, UDCP),是基於UDP演變而成的,在傳統的UDP中加入控制流量的方法,最後分析與證明UDCP是具有公平性與高速傳輸特性的網路傳輸協定。


In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet, more and more network applications gradually emerged, especially in the bandwidth grow that cause multimedia applications become popular. With the change in demand, Internet transport protocols are increasingly diverse. Now, many protocol co-exist in Internet. So different protocol how co-exist is an important problem. Two emphasis in how network transport protocols to coexist is Fairness and Efficiency, But Fairness and Efficiency is basically a contradiction exists, In tradition transmission protocols, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is fairest. It has a congestion control mechanism that can avoid network environment be destroyed. But it will decreased efficiency. In other hand, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is most efficient but it has a problem about plunder bandwidth. Relative to TCP, UDP is very unfair but fast protocol. In the past, UDP user plunder bandwidth is not serious problems because UDP user is much smaller than other protocol user. With multimedia applications become popular, the problem is began to seriously. Bandwidth of TCP user is been a lot of plundered, so Internet Engineering Task Force (IEFT) provided Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) to solve this problem. But we found DCCP is too friendly, this feature cause DCCP can't replace UDP to doing high-speed transmission. We hope to find the way to improving fairness and maintaining the high-speed transmission rate. In this paper, we provide User Datagram Control Protocol (UDCP), it is evolved based on UDP. Adding controller to UDP. Finally, we Analysis and proof the UDCP has fairness and maintaining the high-speed transmission rate.


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