  • 學位論文


International Technology Transfer-A Study of TSMC and Fujitsu

指導教授 : 任耀庭


本論文擬以台積電與富士通結盟為研究案例,以技術移轉相關理論為骨幹,海外直接投資之單寧折衷理論、資源依賴與資源基礎理論為輔,闡述台積電過去的成長過程當中至關重要的『技術移轉』是以何種方式取得,並以SWOT手法加以分析結盟前的台積電公司本身的強弱與危機,進一步探討台積電與富士通結盟的原因。 我們從過去的案例中可以發現,台積電在策略聯盟後往往能成功獲得製程方面的改善與先進技術的移轉,進一步內化為自身的優勢與獨特競爭力,因此,本文擬以台積電與飛利浦、台積電與日月光這兩個截然不同、卻同樣對台積電影響甚鉅的合作案例為例,剖析將來台積電與富士通順利結盟後較可能依循的合作模式,以及研究富士通為何找上台積電合作的動機與目的、結盟產生的利與弊。


In this paper, Technology transfer related to the theory of the main research directions,foreign direct investment rather eclectic theory, resource dependence and resource-based theory of secondary studies.TSMC's growth in the past described the process is very important, "technology transfer" the manner in which to obtain and analyze strategic alliances TSMC before the crisis to its own advantage and SWOT approach, TSMC and Fujitsu to further explore the reasons for the alliance. The cases from the past can be found in the strategic alliance TSMC often successful aspects of the migration process improvement and advanced technology, and further into their own unique advantages and competitiveness. Therefore, this article is intended to TSMC and Philips, TSMC and ASE these two very different, but equally great influence on TSMC cooperation case, for example, analyze the future mode of cooperation after the successful alliance between TSMC and Fujitsu are more likely to follow, and study why Fujitsu and TSMC collaborate to find the motivation and purpose of the alliance to produce.


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