  • 學位論文


The Study of Coffee Trade between Central America and Taiwan

指導教授 : 王秀琦


咖啡是中美洲的經濟作物之一,在全球咖啡市場中占重要的地位。咖啡發展之初,各國權貴爭奪咖啡經濟利益,形成咖啡精英現象,壟斷咖啡經濟,使下層階級的原住民農工苦不堪言,也影響了中美洲的政治和經濟。到近代壟斷咖啡經濟者轉變為跨國食品公司,農工依然被剝削。因此產生咖啡認證,幫助農民脫離困境。跨國食品公司也開始採購認證咖啡,來維持咖啡產業的永續性。不過咖啡認證對於中美洲農民的實際幫助性以及其中的利弊,漸漸開始引起討論。 台灣和中美洲同處於適合種植咖啡的「咖啡帶」上,也有生產咖啡,不過產量不多。隨著交通便捷,東方受到西方文化的影響也日益加深,台灣咖啡市場開始快速發展,咖啡也成為台灣民眾日常生活的飲品之一,供不應求,因此台灣的咖啡主要依賴進口,中美洲咖啡品質高且價格合理,因此在台灣進口中美洲五國的咖啡份額也不容小覷。 本文分別探討中美洲和台灣咖啡的發展歷史,再藉由2002~2012年的數據了解中美洲和台灣咖啡貿易的情形,分析兩者咖啡產業之差異,並且展望未來發展。


Coffee is one of the economic crops in Central America ,all the countries are the major coffee producing areas in the global coffee market and occupies an important position. In the beginning of the development of coffee, the rich and powerful class competing for the economic benefits of coffee, therefore forming the coffee elite phenomenon.Since they monopolized the coffee economy, so those underclass aboriginal farm workers suffered from miserable life.Coffee elite also affected the Central American political and economic situations. The modern monopoly force of coffee economy falls into the hands of the multinational food companies, they control coffee prices and global market.But coffee farm workers are still under exploitation. Thus coffee certification system emerges to help farmers. Multinational food companies also begin to purchase certified coffee to maintain the sustainability of the coffee industry. However,the practical help of the system to the farmers in Central America and the pro and con of certified coffee, gradually leads to new discussions. Taiwan is suitable for the cultivation of coffee as it is located in the "coffee belt" as Central America, Therefore Taiwan also produces coffee,but the production scale is small. Influenced by Western culture due to convenient trasportation, Taiwan's coffee market began develop rapidly, coffee becomes one of the daily drinks of Taiwanes people.The country’s coffee consumption is expanding fastly,which makes the imported coffee become a main stream. Due to the high quality and reasonable price of Central American coffee, the imported coffee from Central America’s five countries is getting more and more popular in Taiwan. This thesis explores the history of coffee in Central America and Taiwan, together with the data from 2002 to 2012 to understand the coffee trade between Central America and Taiwan, analyzing the differences between Central American and Taiwan’s coffee industry, and their future prospects.


Cental America Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua El Salvador Costa Rica Taiwan Coffee Trade


彭慕蘭、史蒂夫.托皮克(Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik)著,黃中憲譯,《貿易打造的世界-社會、文化、世界經濟,從1400年到現在》,(台北市:如果出版,2012年)。
