  • 學位論文

大眾媒體如何建構國族意識— 以2010年廣州亞運楊淑君失格事件報導為例

How Mass Media Construct Nationalism by Reporting Shu-Jun Yang’s Disqualification at 2010 Asian Games

指導教授 : 許傳陽


本研究重點在於探討在2010 廣州亞運楊淑君失格事件時,大眾傳播媒介如何在相關報導中建構國族意識,而使得台灣閱聽大眾吸收報導文本的訊息後,在台灣引起大規模的反韓風波。 長久以來,台灣和南韓在外交上就有許多爭議事件,而台灣民眾也因此對於南韓的形象想像有特定的基模。而在這次楊淑君失格事件發生後,媒體報導相關訊息時幾乎都以國族意識的框架來引導閱聽大眾對此次事件的想像。 本研究中發現,第一,文本分析部分,大部分的大眾傳播媒介皆在報導中將此次事件歸咎於韓國整體;此外,除文字報導的國族意識建構,在版面的視覺呈現上也是經過設計的建構閱聽大眾的國族意識。第二,在深度訪談部分,受訪者也認為台灣此次因楊淑君失格事件所引起的反韓風波與大眾傳媒的過度報導有 很大的關係。而受訪者表示雖然不會因為這次事件而對韓國整體印象改變,但卻還是將此次事件與韓國作連結。 基於上述研究發現,首先,大眾傳媒的報導文本對閱聽大眾有絕對的影響力,不管其角度是否偏頗與其真實性。其次,閱聽大眾長期以來依賴大眾傳媒所給予的訊息,失去質疑的能力,習慣性的將傳媒所構的文本真實當成客觀真實。


This research focused its efforts on that how mass media construct Nationalism by reporting Shu-Jun Yang’s disqualification at 2010 Asian Games. For a long time, there are many disputes on different parts in the diplomacy between Korea and Taiwan. Because of that, Most Taiwanese have some Particular schema about the image of Korea. After Shu-Jun Yang’s disqualification, most mass media report this in the view of Nationalism, and that will effects audiences. First, most mass media blame Korea for Shu-Jun Yang’s disqualification in the reporting. Moreover, the mass media also use the designed presentation of vision to construct audiences’ Nationalism. On the other hand, in the in-depth interview, the interviewee thought that the anti- Korea sentiment which is becaused of Shu-JunYang’s disqualification has something to do with the over reporting of the mass media.The audiences also said that the disqualification dispute wouldn’t effects the image of Korea to them, but they still connect the disqualification with Korea. Based on above, no matter the truth or the unjust view of the reporting that the text of mass media has huge effect to the audiences. Besides, since audiences depend on mass media for a long time, they are used to make the symbolic reality like the objective reality, that way, the audiences will lost the doubting ability.


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