  • 學位論文


The Relationship between the Media Coverage of the Spanish Avant-Garde Art and the Development of Taiwanese Art – Based on the United Daily News during Taiwan's Martial Law Period

指導教授 : 林惠瑛


本論文主旨在於探討解嚴前台灣美術中的前衛發展趨勢,並且以《聯合報》中與西班牙藝術相關之報導作為研究對象,藉以理解西班牙前衛藝術對台灣1950年代戰後美術史上所帶來的潮流與影響。 1956年留學生蕭勤到了西班牙之後,便以《聯合報》駐派歐洲通訊員的身分,撰寫「歐洲通訊」、「西班牙航訊」等專欄,一系列介紹歐洲畫壇現況。蕭勤藉著這個專欄,有計畫的把歐洲現代藝術發展的狀況,大量的向國內報導。這些報導可說是當時國內對歐洲藝壇第一手的報導,在當時全無美術專業雜誌的國內,這些報導的重要性,自是不容輕忽。由《聯合報》的藝文新聞清單中可觀察出當時的藝壇主要關懷的「世界畫壇傾向」,是以歐陸畫壇為主的事實,蕭勤他透過實際深入了解與採訪當代西班牙藝術家的方式,為台灣導入了前衛藝術的觀念。 然而,除了報章雜誌之外,「展覽」也為藝術可以最直接面對群眾的部分,透過各項展覽,人們得以面對各類藝術真品,畫家也可以透過展覽對觀眾傳達作品的詮釋。而《聯合報》中除了刊載從歐洲引介回來的藝術資訊外,對於在台灣所舉辦的各類展覽之報導也占有一定的比例,故此,我們可以知道,戒嚴期間民眾除了透過報章雜誌可以了解當時世界最新的藝術資訊外,展覽也是極重要的媒介。 在正要步入現代化的社會中,「前衛」這個概念在藝壇已彰顯出其重要性。然而,有關「前衛」這個語詞的使用可謂來自西歐,並且進一步擴展至世界各地,致使「前衛」此一概念在這個擴展過程中,亦於在台灣孕育其獨特的面貌。1950年代的美術現代化之運動風潮,揭示著過去封閉歷史的終結及一個歷史更新的開始。本文試圖從《聯合報》之藝文報導,分析戰後其對台灣藝壇帶來的貢獻,透過史時重建,對解嚴之前關於西班牙藝術之報導及展覽作了解,探討當時的社會及藝壇如何看待這些外來影響,進而了解台灣前衛藝術的發展。


This thesis aims to probe into the Avant-Garde trends of the Taiwanese Art of the period of Martial Law in Taiwan. The Spanish Avant-Garde Art was a form of art that started to permeate through Taiwanese Art after Post-World War II. Reports related to Spanish Art from United Daily News were used as research subjects. These reports can help us understand the influence of this art form in Taiwan. In 1965, Chin Hsiao studied abroad in Spain; he was a United Daily News correspondent stationed in Europe as the news columnist for Europe and Spain to introduce the European art situations of the time. Through these news columns, he reported a large development of Modern Art in Europe to that had taken root in Taiwan. For Taiwan, these were first-hand reports that were difficult to come by. At that time, there were few professional arts magazines in Taiwan. Therefore, these reports hold great significance in the Avant-Garde trends in Taiwanese Art. By interviewing with the contemporary Spanish artists, Chin Hsiao shed even more light upon the concept of Avant-Garde Art to Taiwan; these Spanish artists included the members of Dau al Set and El Paso. However, in addition to newspapers and magazines, exhibitions are also great influences on people. People can enjoy the authenticity of the Arts through exhibitions. The artists can also convey the interpretations of the work to the audiences. Along with the first-hand accounts from Europe, the reports about various exhibitions organized in Taiwan also occupied a certain portion in the United Daily News. The public could learn more about the arte of the world by these exhibitions during the Martial Law, for this reason, these exhibitions were also very important. Entering the modern society, the concept of Avant-Garde has already manifested its importance in the art scene in Taiwan. Avant-Garde is a concept from Western Europe and can be extended further to all over the world resulting in the process of expansion of Avant-Garde, while also gestating its unique appearances in Taiwan. This research attempts to employ the Arts coverage of United Daily News to analyze its contribution for the Taiwanese art scene and explore the society and arts scene how to look upon these outside influences in order to understand the development of Avant-Garde Art in Taiwan.


Appignanesi, Richard, 黃訓慶 中譯,《後現代主義》,台北:立緒文化,1996年。
Gombrich, Ernst Hans, 雨芸 中譯,《藝術的故事》,台北:聯經,2012年。
詹明信 (Fredric Jameson)講座,唐小兵 中譯,《後現代主義與文化理論》,台北:合志,1989年。


