  • 學位論文


A Study of Volunteering Participation and Management of the Buddhist Libraries in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林雯瑤


本研究旨在瞭解臺灣佛教圖書館志工參與及管理之現況,探究佛教圖書館實施志工管理的概況,以及佛教圖書館志工參與服務的感想。因此本研究以臺灣佛教圖書館工作人員與志工為研究對象,透過問卷調查法與深度訪談法,瞭解佛教圖書館工作人員對於志工參與之看法,以及影響佛教圖書館志工持續服務的原因,綜合研究之結果,作為日後同類型佛教圖書館實施志工管理之參考。 本研究之結論為: (一)佛教圖書館實施志工管理之現況 圖書館招募志工管道多元化;對於志工的任用無宗教信仰的限 制,也十分歡迎非佛教徒參與服務;志工職業以退休人士、家庭 主婦與學生族群居多;工作分配以館務需求為主,輔以參考志工 的興趣與專長;志工教育訓練活動因參與人數而異;較不傾向實 施工作考核;提供的福利措施或獎勵政策與宗教信仰有關。 (二) 對於志工參與服務的看法 志工參與動機、持續服務與宗教信仰有關;工作人員認同志工 的工作表現。 (三)佛教圖書館志工參與服務的感想 正面感受為可以培福廣結善緣;負面感受為缺乏專職人員管理志 工與志工流動率問題。 (四)佛教圖書館志工與工作人員的互動 志工與工作人員之間互動品質良好,較少發生意見不合的情況。 本研究之建議為:(一)增加非佛教徒參與服務的機會;(二)提高在職者志工參與服務之頻率;(三)建立多元化的志工教育訓練活動;(四)建立彈性的排班輪值制度;(五)提供志工進修與學習的管道;(六)改善人力流失的問題。


This thesis aims at exploring volunteering participation and management of buddhist libraries in Taiwan, so as to illustrate the implementation overview of volunteering management and the impressions of volunteers participated in the service in buddhist libraries. This study, with staff and volunteers of buddhist libraries as subjects, examines the attitudes of staff toward volunteering participation and the motives to push volunteers into on-going participation in light of questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews. Findings of this research provide the considerations for future implementation of volunteering management in the same type of buddhist libraries. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The implementation overview of volunteering management in buddhist libraries Libraries use varied approaches to recruit volunteers; no limitation of religious beliefs with the appointment of volunteers, non-Buddhists are also welcome to the service participation; most volunteers are retirees, housewives and students by occupation; work allocation is based on the business requirement and is supplemented with the interest and specialty of volunteers; the educational training activities of volunteers held by the libraries may change due to the number of participants; work evaluation is not recommended; fringe benefits and awarding policies provided are relevant to religious beliefs. 2.The attitudes of staff toward volunteering participation The motives and on-going participation of volunteers in relation to religious beliefs; staff praise the working performance of volunteers. 3.The impressions of volunteers participated in the service in buddhist libraries Being able to increase merits and develop deep virtuous affinity with others as positive feelings; worrying about the lack of full-time staff to manage volunteers and the turnover problem as negative feelings. 4.The interaction between volunteers and staff Volunteers and staff share good relationship and develop good communication. The suggestions are as follows: 1.To increase the opportunities of non-Buddhists to the service participation. 2.To enhance the willingness of on-the-job volunteers to the service participation. 3.To establish multiple activities on volunteering educational training. 4.To set up a flexible duty roster system. 5. To provide volunteers the approaches for further studies and practices. 6. To improve the turnover problem.


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