  • 學位論文


The analysis of relationship between K.M.T and C.C.P after Lien-Hu first meeting ( 2005-2011)

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 龔春生


論文提要內容: 2005年中國國民黨連戰主席的和平之旅,是自國共內戰以來中國國民黨和中國共產黨首次兩黨最高領導人會晤,連戰主席成為1949年後第一次踏上中國大陸的國民黨領導人,並於2005年4月29日下午3時與中國共產黨總書記胡錦濤在人民大會堂進行歷史性會見,即第一次連胡會。 在2005年兩黨領袖會談達成五項共同願景(即國共之統一聲明文件): 一、在認同「九二共識」的基礎上促進恢復兩岸談判。 二、促進終止敵對狀態。 三、促進兩岸在經貿交流和共同打擊犯罪等方面建立合作機制,推進雙向直航、三通和農業交流。 四、促進擴大台灣國際空間的談判。 五、建立國共兩黨定期溝通平台。 為日後國共交流奠定厚實的基礎,並由國共兩黨搭建之交流溝通平台所形成之共同建議,可以作為兩岸對話和談判一旦恢復之後的重要參考與推動解決問題的進程。 本研究將藉由連胡會、吳胡會、兩岸經貿文化論壇,及江陳會談等交流內容與所建立互信之基礎,作分析瞭解其形成因素以及歸納研究國共及兩岸雙方對問題觀點之探討,分析其間兩黨交流與互動並驗證自2005年第一次連胡會以來兩岸交流與建立互信之關聯性,並對兩岸關係之影響,均是在本文之中所要研究的重點。 本研究並嘗試運用兩岸四地及國共兩黨相關機關資料、學術期刊、學者專論、報章雜誌以及網路資料,探討與分析國共兩黨密切交流對推動兩岸關係之評估,與國共平台所代表的角色地位對兩岸交流之重大貢獻及對我國之所代表意義,並從政策性角度提出建議,作為個人研究結論,以此作為本論文之總結。


In the year of 2005, Chan Lien, chairman ofKMT had a peace visit to China and this was the first meeting between the top leaders of the two parties since 1949. Jintao Hu met Chan Lien at The Great Hall of the People on 3:00 PM April 20, 2005 which was so-called the first Lien-Hu meeting. After this meeting, these two top leaders achieved an statement with five tasks as below. 1. Promoting the earlier restoration of cross the Straits talks under foundation of recognizing the 1992 consensus. 2. The formal end of the state of hostility across the Straits. 3. All round economic and trade cooperation across the Straits. 4. The discussion about Taiwan’s participation in international activities. 5. The establishment of a platform for regular exchanges between the two parties. This statement with 5 tasks paves solid foundation for exchanges, negotiations, promotions and solving problems of both parties in the future. This study analyzes factors and viewpoints of cross the Straits on the basis of Lien-Hu meeting, Wu-Hu meeting, Economic and trade culture forums of two parties and Chiang-Chen meeting. This Study also looks into the exchange effect of the cross the Straits dating from the first meeting of Lien-Hu meeting in 2005. This study makes attempt to adopt data sheets from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Macau also data sheets issued by KMT and CCP even culture magazines, Scholar columns for evaluating the meaning of two parties exchanges and exploring certain contritutions for cross the Straits. This study will make conclusions by bringing forth suggestions.


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