  • 學位論文


The Development of EU Culture Policy- To Analyze the Culture and Tourism Industry Competitiveness of the EU Five Countries From Gray Theory

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


在全球高科技運輸的快速發展及資本主義下,人們對於休閒活動與精神生活的要求逐漸提升,因此觀光產業的發展亦正處於活潑與蓬勃的嶄新階段,觀光活動也不斷呈現愈來愈多元與豐富的面貌,而其中以「文化」為基礎而產生的觀光活動,更吸引觀光客們的一再駐留;歐洲一向為國際觀光客集中的地區,文化觀光產業亦為歐洲各國帶來極為可觀的收益並製造許多的就業機會,從1995年申根公約正式實施之後,更為歐盟觀光產業增添一項利多的優勢。 二次大戰後所建立的歐洲經濟共同體,最初之目的主要在建立一個讓貨品、服務、人員及資金能暢其流之共同市場,整合的重心大都著重在經濟貿易和外交、人權領域等方面。隨著歐盟整合的深化及廣化陸續面臨諸多瓶頸,一向以經濟角度為主要考量的歐盟除了認知到文化所具備的獨特性,更理解文化在整個整合過程中其實扮演著輔助政治進行與經濟活動的重要角色,而歐盟的文化政策也就在這樣的背景下開始逐漸被注意;經過1992年馬斯垂克條約的制定及日後文化行動的落實,歐盟文化政策也漸漸展現出長期以來努力的成效。 本文從2010年所發布的「文化創意產業綠皮書」於文創產業推動層面、觀光行動方針與文化政策之配合於觀光產業表現層面、歐洲文化首都與文化城市推廣層面、以及歐盟文化行動與計畫於整體會員國執行層面,由以上四個層面分析歐盟文化政策在經濟及產業等層面上具體成果的展現,並以量化的分析方式說明歐盟五會員國為何能於全球文化觀光產業競爭力名列前茅的原因,對於文化政策於會員國之影響與成效發揮予以統計與數據層面的實證分析。最後並希望藉著具體數據與分析歐盟在文化觀光產業上的發展,以提供台灣政府在文化觀光產業發展上之學習與借鑑。


Abstract: With the intensive development of high-tech transporting system and global capitalism, nowadays people are getting to demand more in leisure and spiritual pursuing. The tourism industry is in the ride of high growth with a new page of “culture tourism” , which successfully pull more attention-getting and travel time spending. Europe has been always the center of the tourism , offering effective job opportunities as well as plentiful benefit and it is even more influential ever since the establishment of Schengen Convention in 1995. After World War II, the European Economic Community was the core of the activities of economics, diplomacy and human rights with a connected platform of commodities, services, personnel and capitals. However, EU had been realized her one of the kind culture is the core value by integrating politics and economics, followed the obstacles being face by EU integration vertically and horizontally for many years. Since the draw up of “ Treaty of Maastricht “ in 1992, the EU culture has been getting to be noticed, and effected with the continuous efforts into EU culture policy. This research analyzes the EU policy results amid EU countries by gathering statistics of culture data from the “ Green Paper-Unlocking the potential of cultural and creative industries” , “ Cultural action 2007~2013”, “ The European Capital of Culture” , and the actual cultural plan implemented in Member States. This research, based on the analysis of EU culture policy, is wishfully to be a contribution for Taiwan government in development of local cultural tourism industry


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