  • 學位論文

論台日聯姻家庭中日中雙語兩種語言之學習 -以居住在台日兩地之台日混血兒為例-

The learning of Chinese language and Japanese language for children of Taiwanese-Japanese marriage family living in both Taiwan and Japan.

指導教授 : 陳伯陶


本論文的目的,是藉由調查日台聯姻家庭的語言使用情形以及父母對於語言之意識,繼而掌握子女習得日中兩種語言的現況。調查方法是以問卷調查,並於之後再次進行面談調查。 考查之後的結果顯示,在母親身為台灣人並於日本養育子女時,子女只能以日語對話的案例較多。另外,在「為何於成人後開始學習中文」的問題上,有半數以上是回答「因為懂中文在求職上比較有利」。 另一方面,在雙親以各自的母語教育子女的例子上,也顯示出有較多的例子是雖能正常的使用兩種語言、但在較少使用的語言讀寫能力上卻存有困難。但是,與將中文與日文視為母語學習、或自願將中文以及日文視為第二外語無關,有較多的人對於自己目前的中日文能力並不滿意。這也就表示,有許多人是對於自己此刻的實力並不滿足並且懷抱上進心致力向上的。


The point of this thesis is about surveying the uses of language in a Taiwanese-Japanese marriage family and the awareness about language of their parents, and then understand the Chinese language and Japanese language learning of their children. Survey method is based on questionnaires and then interviews. After surveying, the result shows most cases that Taiwanese mothers raising their children in Japan, their children can only communicate in Japanese. And then based on the question "Why learn Chinese after grow up?", more than half of the answers are "there's an advantage in job hunting with Chinese ability". In another case where parents educate their children with their own native language, most of the cases shows that although these children can communicate normally using both languages, but due to the less usage of the languages, they have problems in reading and writing. Most of them are not satisfy about their Chinese language and Japanese language ability, this applies to those who uses Chinese and Japanese as their native or those who voluntary uses Chinese and Japanese as their secondary language. This means that there a lot of people are not satisfy about their ability at the moment and they have motivation for improvements.


─WeinreichのLanguages in Contactとその後の研究─」『北
人文学部編15』NII- Electronic Library Service p83-119
・You Tube より 2011年9月8日閲覧
