  • 學位論文


The Integration of Electronic Commerce Platform and Search Engine Marketing─An Example from Small and Medium Trading Business

指導教授 : 蔡政言 林健次


根據艾瑞咨詢iResearch預估,2010年全球B2B電子商務市場規模將達到26兆美元,隨著網際網路與電子商務的興起,改變了國際貿易開發的遊戲規則,企業經營必須配合外在環境變化,與本身條件能力之消長,不斷調整其國際行銷模式,方能確保企業的長期獲利與成長。 本研究研究目的係以中小外銷企業作為實務案例分析,瞭解中小外銷企業如何透過電子商務平台﹝Electronic Commerce,EC﹞及搜尋引擎行銷﹝Search Engine Marketing,SEM﹞成功進行海外市場開發,拓展商機。未來,中小外銷企業在擬定國際行銷策略之際,除了B2B電子商務平台外,亦能透過B2C電子商務平台,增強海外市場開發之能力。除此之外,利用搜尋引擎行銷中之關鍵字廣告﹝Pay-Per-Click,PPC﹞,在欲開發市場中投放廣告,用以吸引當地市場目光。結合搜尋引擎最佳化﹝Search Engine Optimization,SEO﹞之方式,調整企業形象網站之結構與內容,提升其於搜尋引擎自然排序中的排名,增強品牌知名度與曝光度,用以降低國際行銷之成本。


iResearch reveals that the scope of global B2B e-commerce will be reaching 26 trillion dollars, with the rising of the Internet and e-commerce has changed the rules of the international trade development, business must be changed with the external environment, and the ability of growth and decline of their own conditions, continued to adjust its international marketing mode in order to ensure long-term profitability and growth of enterprises. This study is focusing on the case study of the way to do net marketing of small and medium trading business, incorporated with electronic commerce (EC) and search engine marketing (SEM), to develop a set of trade developing model of the net marketing. In the future, small and medium trading business is dedicated in net marketing services, not only B2B electronic commerce can be used as reference as one of the options, but also through B2C electronic commerce to enhance the ability to develop overseas market. In addition, search engine marketing (SEM) is a good tool to promote the corporate website as well. The using of Pay-Per-click (PPC) could be advertising to attract the attention of local market. Search engine optimization (SEO) is meaning to adjust the HTML structure and content of corporate website to be raised the ranking in the search engine, and reduce the cost of international marketing.


2. Andreas Ramos & Stephanie Cota, (2008), Search Engine Marketing, McGraw-Hill.
4. Davis, H., (2006), Google Advertising Tools, California: O' Reilly Media.
