  • 學位論文


The Study of Russia‘s Policy in the Nagorno-Karabakh Issue

指導教授 : 馬良文


本文所要探討的納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫問題是世界上值得關注的民族問題。在科索沃、阿布哈茲與南奧塞梯相繼獨立的情況下,亞塞拜然與納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫的問題也受到相對的重視。納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫是亞塞拜然的一個自治區,在前蘇聯時期,蘇聯當局決定將納卡被劃歸為亞塞拜然的領土,但是,由於它的人口多是由亞美尼亞人所組成,因此成立納-卡自治州,成為亞塞拜然境內亞美尼亞人所居住的一塊飛地,所以亞美尼亞對此安排有所不滿,所以在歷史上亞美尼亞與亞塞拜然就一直對納卡的歸屬問題有所爭議。 而在1988年2月,在亞美尼亞共和國支持下的納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫當地居民與亞塞拜然發生武裝衝突,而在1991年,納卡宣布獨立,但是除了亞美尼亞之外,並未獲得國際的承認。隨著蘇聯的解體,助長了亞美尼亞人在亞塞拜然的分離運動,而納卡與亞塞拜然之間的武裝衝突也演變成亞美尼亞與亞塞拜然之間的戰爭,亞美尼亞占領了納卡與附近地區。直到1994年5月,兩國簽訂停火協議,戰爭才宣告結束。而到現在為止,兩國總統也就納卡問題進行了多次的會晤,但仍尚未取得重大突破。 而在納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫問題上,俄羅斯扮演著相當重要的角色,針對此問題有著自己的立場與相關的政策,並在納卡問題上也積極扮演主導的一方,對俄而言,在俄格兩國的衝突之後,俄羅斯更為迫切地需要地區和平,來鞏固地區的安全。而積極加深在外高加索地區勢力的歐、美大國、土耳其以及與納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫問題息息相關的亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞兩國,也針對此問題有著自己的立場與政策,因此在納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫問題上,不論是在各方面,俄羅斯採取怎樣的態度與政策,勢必也會受各國的影響,而這也在一定程度上影響到俄羅斯相關政策的制訂,因此本文是針對各國立場進行分析,進而探討出俄羅斯在納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫問題上的政策與影響其政策之因素。


The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh which has lasted since at least 1988 (in its opened form) is one of the most complicated issues of the foreign relations in Caucasus area. Moreover, it has great significance for the international relations in general. The author sets to analyze the positions of the main sides involved in it, namely the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (affiliated with Armenia), Azerbaijan and Armenia. Russia‘s position is of paramount importance for all the sides of the conflict. Other important players are Turkey, USA and EU. On the basis of a thorough study of various sources, such as official and private documents, letters, memoirs etc. the author traces the evolution of Armenia‘s and Azerbaijan‘s positions after the 1992-1994 war paying the main attention to the diplomatic maneuvers of Russia and to a lesser extent Western countries. Of special importance is the assessment of real motives of this evolution and its diplomatic articulation. This study contributes greatly to the understanding of international situation in the trans-Caucasian region as well as Russia‘s role as a regional power. The author comes to conclusion that Russia has been playing quite a positive role in the regional politics being the most authoritative mediator in various conflicts. Yet due to Azerbaijan‘s unwillingness to accept a de facto independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and the contradictions between the powers with specific interests in this region, the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh provides an example of a frozen but ready to explode any time conflict. As the author shows, this situation has both internal and external causes.


Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijan Armenia Russia Policy


“Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev”, Official Website of the Government of the Russian Federation, http://www.government.ru/eng/docs/1910/(16/9/2008).
Herzig, Edmund (1999), the New Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Sagramoso, Domitilla, "Violence and conflict in the Russian North Caucasus", International Affairs, London: Vol. 83, No. 4.
"The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh: causes, the status of negotiations, and prospects", Rexane Dehdashti-Rasmussen, http://www.core-hamburg.de/documents/yearbook/english/06/Rasmussen-en.pdf, p.197-198.


