  • 學位論文


The analysis of regional economic model in Wenzhou,China : To focus on the theory of industrial clusters

指導教授 : 張家麟


由於各區域間的人口、資源等經濟發展要素的分佈極不均衡,不言而喻的造成了區域發展的差異,區域之間在自然、人文和經濟各個方面都表現出各自的獨特性,因而因為不同區域的特殊性,於是便有了不同的區域經濟發展模式。 本文選取溫州作為區域經濟模式之研究對象,是因為溫州的經濟發展,特別是產業成長和變動,具有一定的典範性和借鑒意義。由於歷史上交通比較閉塞,區位條件較差,國家投資又不足,自然資源也無明顯的優勢,改革開放以前,溫州的經濟發展非常緩慢,是浙江省經濟發展較為落後的地區之一。但是,改革開放後,隨著溫州人,建立了「小商品、大市場」,具有明顯區域特色的以輕工業為主的產業集群,溫州的經濟便蓬勃發展。 溫州以其當地特有的產業集群、地區文化與經營特色,發展出溫州地區獨特的區域經濟發展模式。產業集群發展已成為溫州區域經濟發展的重要動力,因而探討產業集群理論在溫州產業集群的應用與實踐,變為本研究寫作的出發點。透過具代表性之個案分析來加以驗證產業集群理論後,得到以下結論:產業集群稍具規模後,隨著經濟效應上的選擇或是供需力量之間影響,集群會吸引更多廠商或企業的進駐,而形成一條更加完善的產業鏈。產業集群的蓬勃發展,會產生強大的集群效應,從而帶動整個地區的經濟發展。 對於產業集群理論的驗證,筆者將研究溫州產業集群之心得歸納於以下四點: 一、高度專業化分工 二、技術水準、產品品質和創新能力的提升 三、有效整合資源,取得低成本優勢 四、提升區域品牌效應,增強產業整體競爭力 分析三個產業集群個案之後,得出在產業集群理論的驗證上,三個產業集群產生幾乎相同的集群效應。但是根據分析所蒐集到的資料,仍有部分相異之處,也可作為後續研究方向之建議。研究發現之相異處為以下三點: 一、分工體系細密度不同 二、領頭企業或產業內知名品牌數量不同 三、政府扶植力度不同


溫州 區域經濟 產業集群


As a result of the economic development in areas are not average, so the development are different. Therefore, regions show their characteristics and distinctive qualities. Because of the difference, the regions have their own type of the economic development. The article choose Wenzhou to be the object for research, cause of the development of the economic, aspecially they have standard to be the model on the growth of industry. In the past, there are not developed traffic, the area condition is bad, investment insufficiency from their country, and don't have enough superiority on natural resource. Before opening the policy, the developement of economic in Wenzhou is very slowly. Even became the one of the backward areas in Zhejiang. After that, they created "Small commodity, Big market", Wenzhou became the most important area of the light industry. And promote the economic unceasingly. Wenzhou is unique cluster of local, regional culture and operating characteristics of the development of a unique region in Wenzhou model of economic development. Industry cluster development has become an important regional economic development in Wenzhou power, which in Wenzhou of industrial cluster theory and practice of the application of industrial clusters and become the starting point of writing this study. Through the case study of a representative to be verified after the industrial cluster theory, the following conclusions: industrial clusters with a bit of scale, as the economic effect on choices or between the forces of supply and demand, the cluster will attract more companies or enterprises presence, and form a more perfect industrial chain. The rapid development of industrial clusters, the cluster will have a strong effect, thus boosting the economic development of the entire region. Verification for the industry cluster theory, I will study the experience of Wenzhou industrial clusters summarized in the following four points: 1) The highly specialized division of labor 2) Technical standards, product quality and increase innovation capability 3) The effective integration of resources to obtain low cost 4) To enhance regional brand, and enhance the overall competitiveness of industry After three cases of industrial clusters, obtained in the verification of industrial cluster theory, the three industrial clusters have almost the same cluster effect. But according to the analysis of data collected, there are still some differences between, but also recommendations for future research directions. The differences found at the following three points: 1) The division of labor of different compactness 2) The leading brand within the enterprise or industry, the number of different 3) The government efforts to support different


1.Edgar M. Hoover , An Introduction to Regional Economics. Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,1966.
3.Marshall A.,The Principles of Economics: Possibilities for Prosperity .London:Macmillan,1890
