  • 學位論文


The Ethnic Chinese Policy of the Cambodia,1953-2008

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


柬埔寨經歷多次政權轉移和戰亂的侵襲,是一個戰爭頻仍和動亂的國家,對印度支那半島的穩定和發展造成不利的影響,引起國際社會的關注及焦點。本文將探討關於柬埔寨獨立後各時期政府之華人政策施行與法律限制,再論述柬埔寨華人政策內涵及對華人政治、經濟、社會之影響。 柬埔寨自1953年脫離法國統治後,其政治變遷大約可分為五個時期;即一、施亞努統治時期,二、龍諾政府時期,三、紅色高棉統治時期,四、橫山林政府時期,五、洪森政府時期。而東南亞各國之華人大都具有優越的商業能力,因此在經濟領域表現較佳的柬埔寨華人,容易引起柬埔寨人的不滿及妒嫉,此緣由促使統治者對華人所採取的政策不外是行使同化或是執行歧視、排斥之動作,在工作、華教、政治參與上也多所限制,導致柬埔寨華人的經濟與社會地位每況愈下。 不過柬國自1991年在聯合國的監督下,於巴黎簽署和平協定後,社會秩序逐步穩定,經濟漸趨恢復。而洪森首相上台後所採取的華人政策,包括接受多元族群文化、鼓勵華文教育的發展、善用華人商業能力及提高華人參政意願等等,有助於華人融入於柬埔寨社會中,其相關政策、作為皆與柬國歷任執政者迥異,可謂柬埔寨政府獨立以來華人政策的分水嶺,因此這樣的議題是值得去討論和研究的。


柬埔寨 華人 同化 種族滅絕


Cambodia suffered from the war and political chaos in last four decades.It resulted not only in the collapse of regimes and disorder in Indo-Chinese peninsular. This thesis focuses on the ethnic Chinese policy of the Cambodia since the independent of Cambodia . It covers the aspects of politics, economic, and social affairs. Since Cambodia depart governance by France on 1953, the politics of Cambodia’s alter can be split into 5 different times which are Norodom Sihanouk, Lon Nol, Pol Pot, Heng Samrin, and Hun Sen. Because Most Chinese in Southeast Asia have superior ability of business, so the Cambodia Chinese who have superior ability of business is frequently to be resentful by Cambodian.In order to assimilate the ethnic Chinese into local society, the rulers of Cambodia take some restricted policy towards ethnic Chinese in the nationality, occupations, Chinese learning and political activities.It affect the economic and social position progressively worse. Since The UN supervised on 1991, Cambodia had signed the convention of peace. The social order and economic have been improved. After Hun Sen have taken to position of the prime minister, he started to urge multi-dimensional tribal group culture, Chinese education development, and business ability for helping Cambodian Chinese integrate to Cambodia culture. For this relate of policy, it has become a watershed of Cambodian Chinese policy. This subject is deserved to discusses and research.


Cambodia Ethnic Chinese Assimilation Genocide


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