  • 學位論文

企業形象、關係行銷、承諾對顧客忠誠度的關聯性之研究 - 以台北地區銀行財富管理顧客為例

The Study for The Relationship Among Corporate Image, Relationship marketing, Commitment and Customer Loyalty – Base on Wealth Management Department Customers in Taipei City.

指導教授 : 曾義明


由於科技的進步,全球化的腳步加快,台灣在2002年正式加入WTO後,各項設限逐漸解除,產業的競爭態勢更加激烈,造成各行各業微利時代的來臨,顧客往來的交易過程短暫,顧客忠誠度的關係培養不易,如何提升顧客忠誠度並取得市場領先的地位以創造穩定及更超額的利潤,已成為各產業間成功的關鍵因素之一。 近年來由於台灣的金融產業已轉型為金融服務業,同樣面對者競爭者眾多、金融產品同質性高及法令諸多限制,隨著國際資金的潮流,又經歷了亞洲金融風暴及百年的金融海嘯,在紛紛轉型為以無風險之手續費收入的銀行財富管理業務受到很大的影響。因此要如何從拾企業形象提升及挽回客戶的需求與信任是刻不容緩的課題。銀行財富管理業務特別仰賴與顧客關係的維持,透過與顧客間關係行銷,需擬定客製化的行銷與服務以提升顧客忠誠度,增加銀行的獲利。   本研究以銀行財富管理業務面,研究對象為台北地區各財富管理的客戶,以問卷調查方式進行抽樣,探討銀行財富管理顧客對企業形象、關係行銷、承諾對顧客忠誠度的關聯性,藉由上述分析之結果提供業界作為銀行財富管理行銷之探討。綜合實證分析之結果,本研究結果發現:(1)台北地區從事財富管理業務顧客主要往來銀行偏重於國內銀行且投資比例及金額都較為平均,顯示大多數顧客理財業務還是偏重於國內銀行,在各銀行間主要往來客戶投資比例和金額還有很大的業務空間去努力。而顧客對銀行信任度愈高,投資金額及比例會愈高。(2)顧客所知覺銀行形象愈好及銀行與顧客間關係行銷愈密切時,會增加長期往來的意願,顧客與銀行往來時的整體感受愈佳,銀行關係行銷符合個人需求,在交易過程中會減少彼此的不確定性,無形中會增加銀行與顧客的信任與承諾,進而增加長期往來的意願。(3)顧客願意與銀行長期往來,與往來銀行的承諾愈堅定,會提高顧客長期的忠誠度。 最後,本研究建議:要提升顧客的忠誠度必須先維持並提高企業良好的形象,在與顧客往來的過程中,擬定不同客群的行銷策略,並運用資訊系統建立顧客關係管理的整合銷售及服務策略,利用業務資訊的整合作為進一步拓展業務的参考,開發並維持顧客長期的往來意願,提升顧客長期的忠誠度。


As technology advances, the pace of globalization accelerated in 2002, Taiwan formally joined the WTO, the restrictions have been removed, the industry becoming more and more intense competition, resulting in the era of low-profit businesses, the customer transaction process between short the relationship between customer loyalty culture is not easy, how to enhance customer loyalty and gain market leadership position to create a stable and more excess profits, the industry has become a key factor in successful. In recent years, as Taiwan's financial industry has transformed the financial services sector, who also face many competitors, financial product homogeneity is high and decress many restrictions, with the trend of international capital, but also experienced the Asian financial crisis in a century financial tsunami, in another transformation into a risk-free fee income of the bank wealth management business be greatly affected. So how to enhance corporation image and restore the trust of customers is the urgent issue. Banking and wealth management businesses in particular rely on the maintenance of customer relations, to develop customized marketing and services to enhance customer loyalty, increase profitability of banks. In this study, the subjects for the Taipei area of wealth management customers to sample survey conducted to explore the banks corporate image, relationship marketing, commitment to customer loyalty relevance, by the analysis results of the industry as a bank of wealth management marketing. The results of empirical analysis, this study found that:(1) wealth management business in the Taipei area between customer main emphasis on the domestic banks and investment are more average proportions, and amounts, showing most of the customers business or finance emphasis on domestic banks, in major banks and investment ratio between the amount of customers also large the space to work on. The customer’s trust the bank the higher proportion of investment and higher. (2) Customers better perceived image of banks and bank-customer relationship marketing more closely, it will increase the long-term relations will, when the customer contacts the bank the better the overall experience, the banks meet the individual needs of relationship marketing, in the transaction process will be reduced the uncertainty of each other, would effectively increase the bank's trust and commitment with customers, thus increasing long-term relations will. (3) When customers have long-term contacts and firm commitments with the bank, that will incrence the long-term customer loyalty. Finally, this study suggests: to enhance customer loyalty must be to maintain and improve good corporate image, in the course of dealing with customers, developing marketing strategies in different segments, and use customer relationship management information system to establish the integration of sales and service strategy, the integration of business information used as reference to further expand the business to develop and maintain long-term customer relationships will enhance the long-term customer loyalty.


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