  • 學位論文


The Study of Data Mining Approach Implements on the Optical Mold Industry for Key Performance Index Development

指導教授 : 廖述賢


近年來我國光學模具產業受到下游產業持續外移以及去年金融風暴影響,造成內需市場呈現大幅萎縮的現象,原本以低廉價格為主要行銷優勢,在面臨中國及南韓中、低價位模具的強勢競爭,以及光學產品用模具需使用高精密奈米加工機生產,呈現M型化分配,整體經營環境已日趨困難。因此,我國模具廠商亟需思考轉型方向,並著眼於產品與技術的研發與人才的培育,朝向高精密度、高速度、高深寬比的精密模具技術開發、知識管理、智慧資本與商業智慧的累積,藉以提昇產品附加價值與模具人才的前瞻性佈局,此舉不僅可因應產業遽變的發展趨勢,更是永續生存之道。 模具為工業產品之母往往扮演著產業舉足輕重的腳步,唯模具在光學產業中雖然為關鍵成功因素但其製作涉及的人員、機械設備、物料、環境及管理因素等關鍵因素複雜;為能客觀診斷其關聯性,企業必須彈性地微調組織架構,讓各部門主要的功能流程發揮到最佳效能。 因此本研究擬以資料探勘的方式使用SPSS CLEMENTINE 12,應用其關聯法則、Apriori演算法及分析使用軟體,了解員工對於光學模具產業影響之關鍵績效指標如人員、機械設備、物料、環境及管理因素之關聯性。研究目的在於透過資料探勘方式探討光學模具產業中的關鍵績效指標關聯性之影響。並針對光學產業用模具之關鍵績效指標發展分析,期能為我國光學模具產業提供具創新性及前瞻性的發展方向。


Optical mold industry at Taiwan attacked by downstream industry continue move out in recent year and financial crisis effect at last year, bring deep decrease about inter-market. Originally for mass marketing exclusive by cheep prices, it’s emerge M-type of distribution by face Strength competition of middle & low price mold at China & Korea and optical production’s mold need high nano-machine. It is very difficult in integrated business environment. So we need think transfer target at mold factory owner in Taiwan and focus research product & technology and talented person training toward explicit mold’s encumbrance of technology R&D、Knowledge Management、Intellectual Property、Business Intelligence by HI-EXACTNESS、HI-SPEED、HI-DEEP&WIDE Ratio. In order to enhance the added value of products with the mold talent forward-looking layout, would not only be a result of rapid change in industry trends, more is eternal survival, The mold industry is the foundation of the industrial products, and it’s also act an important Role . In order to objectively diagnose their relevance, companies need to allow flexibility to fine-tune the organizational structure, so that the major functions of various departments to play to the best performance processes. Therefore, this study is intended to Data Mining Research Methods for using in a way through the Data Mining SPSS CLEMENTINE 12, application of the association rules, Apriori algorithm and analysis of the use of software. Research target for exploring ways through data mining optical mold industry in key performance index and dies for the optical industry's key performance index developed for an analysis, a view to die for our industry to give an innovative and forward-looking direction of development.


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