  • 學位論文


A study of the consumer’s preference on telecom bundled services

指導教授 : 李月華


本研究主要在探討消費者對電信搭售服務偏好之研究,首先從相關的文獻探討開始著手,再根據理論基礎建立架構與假設,選用適當的量表為研究工具,針對曾經使用過網際網路、室內電話、網路電視及行動電話服務的消費者進行個別使用行為及電信搭售服務偏好之抽樣調查。 本研究共發放87份問卷,有效回收樣本80份,有效回收率為92%。針對回收的有效樣本80份資料,進行敘述性統計、信度分析、主成份分析、集群分析、變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方獨立性檢定及聯合分析。 本研究選定了幾個電信服務屬性,並與消費者對於不同知覺價值(社會價值、價格功能價值、品質功能價值及情緒價值)的衡量一起進行統計分析,並且運用了聯合分析法來衡量最高購買意願組合,最後根據實證結果提出主要研究結論如下: 一、不同區隔之消費者對電信產品組合之社會價值會有所不同。 二、不同區隔之消費者對電信產品組合之價格功能價值會有所不同。 三、不同區隔之消費者對電信產品組合之品質功能價值會有所不同。 四、不同區隔之消費者對電信產品組合之情緒價值會有所不同。 五、不同區隔之消費者對電信產品之使用行為有所不同。 六、不同區隔之消費者對電信產品組合服務屬性之重要性有所不同。 七、不同區隔之消費者對電信產品組合之整體效用有所不同。


The purpose of this study of the consumer’s preference on telecom bundled services. this research starts from the related literature discussion. And supposes according to the rationale establishment construction. we also select the suitable method for the study tool. Then carries on the consumer usage behavior and preference on telecom bundled services sample investigation in used internet service,fixline service,IPTV service and mobile service. This research altogether provides 87 questionnaire, Effective number of samples recovered are 80. Effective recovery sample rate is 92%. And we do descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis , ANOVA, t-test,chi-square test, conjoint analysis for thoes 80 effective recovered samples This study I have chosen several characteristics of used telecom services, and used conjoint analysis to measure the preferences and importance of those attributes in different perceived value(social value, monetary value ,conditional value and emotional value). Finally, After the empirical research, the major findings as follows: 1.Consumers in different segments of the telecom product mix will be different understanding of social values. 2.Consumers in different segments of the telecom product mix will be different understanding of monetary values. 3.Consumers in different segments of the telecom product mix will be different understanding of conditional values. 4.Consumers in different segments of the telecom product mix will be different understanding of emotional values. 5.Consumers in different segments of the telecom product using behavior is different. 6.Consumers in different segments of the telecom product mix characteristics attributes the importance is different. 7.Consumers in different segments of the telecom product mix the overall utility is different.


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