  • 學位論文


Dynamic characteristics of different types long span roof structures on wind analysis.

指導教授 : 林堉溢


現在建築物以跨徑大的為國家著名城市的象徵性建築物,所以球殼屋頂結構物的造型也越來越常出現,而且其特性也較輕較軟,因此在受風力時會有更明顯的受力特性存在,所以研究此類屋頂的風載重越顯重要。 本文主要探討是為球殼屋頂,大致上分為跨徑依序有50公尺、100公尺、150公尺和200公尺,高度也依比例劃分從0.1到0.5共為20種模型。結構分析程式運算可發現,跨徑在50公尺與200公尺、高度比在0.1與0.2有顯著的差異。本文先從結構模態分析,自重分析到結構物受風分析做比較,再從中選取一些較有問題的桿件做探討。 由本文分析結果得知,當結構物的跨徑越小例如50公尺,和跨徑越大例如200公尺所受風後的軸力分析會與俗稱大跨徑結構物有所分別。可以由此驗證,與文獻所區分的大跨徑結構物不同。 因為風壓數據過少,在研究過程中分析結果會有些許與文獻的差異,所以需要再更進一步的研究與探討。


Now in order to span a large building known as the national symbol of urban buildings, the spherical shape of the roof structure appears more and more often, and its properties are less soft, so there will be more affected by wind there is obvious stress characteristics, the study of such roof wind load becomes more important. This paper discusses the roof for the shell, generally divided into the span of order of 50 meters, 100 meters, 150 meters and 200 meters, height divided by the ratio from 0.1 to 0.5 for 20 models. Structural analysis program operation can be found that span of 50 meters and 200 meters in height than in the 0.1 and 0.2 are significant differences. This article discusses the structural modal analysis, weight analysis to structure analysis by comparing the wind, and then choose from some of the more problematic of bars do. By this analysis that, when the smaller span structures such as 50 meters, and the greater span of 200 meters, for example, suffered after the axial force of the wind with the known long-span structures are different. Can verify this with the distinction between literature different long span structures. Because the pressure data is too small, in the course of the study results will be slight differences with the literature, so need to further research and discussion.


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