  • 學位論文

公司治理與工會關係之探討 以臺銀人壽保險股份有限公司為例

The Study on the Relationship Between Trade Union and Corporate Governance: A case study of National Life Insurance company

指導教授 : 繆震宇


民國97年1月2日為配合政府金融政策,臺灣銀行人壽保險部分割改制為臺銀人壽保險股份有限公司,並同時成為臺灣金融控股份有限公司之保險子公司,也是臺灣唯一一家國營壽險公司。從壽險處至壽險部一直到現在之獨立公司,臺銀人壽保險股份有限公司會不會再因配合政府之政策而改變其經營模式,是本研究探討動機之一。 台北市臺銀人壽產業工會前身原為中央信託局產業工會,民國96年7月1日與臺銀產業工會合併為單一工會,但為區隔銀行與保險會員權益之差異性,於97年7月23日正式成立為台北市臺銀人壽產業工會。雖與台北市臺銀產業工會同為金控之子工會,但基於集團衡平一致之原則下,子工會之間都屬於身命共同體。而工會為站在促進公司之永續經營與保護會員之權益、爭取會員之福利的前提下,新現代工會如何參與公司治理為本論文之研究動機之二。 針對研究結果之建議: 1.國營事業單位在民營化及釋股案過程中,應研擬與產業工會簽訂團體協約,以維護勞工權益受到保障。 2.公營事業移轉民營化及釋股案前,均由各該事業提出民營化及釋股案執行計畫書,送請行政院公營事業民營化及釋股案推動委員會審查,各計畫書中對於員工權益保障及補償均應設專章詳細陳述。 3.公營事業移轉民營條例規定,當公營事業移轉民營化前應確實辦理員工轉業訓練、第二專長訓練以及未具公務人員身分者就業輔導等。 4.現行移轉民營條例未就釋股先決條件明訂官股比例、員工優先(優惠)認股辦法及年終績效分紅配股制度等,一併談妥再行釋股。


公司治理 工會


On January 2nd, 2008, the Life Insurance Dept. of BANK OF TAIWAN has received the instructions of autonomy according to the financial policy of Taiwan government and changed into BankTaiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd., one private daughter company of TAIWAN FINANCIAL HOLDING. The new company is also the only life insurance company in Taiwan established with government investment. From one department belongs to BANK OF TAIWAN to one public company, this research intents to estimate and forecast the next possible business model of the entity when the financial policy of Taiwan government changes again. The former organization of Industry Union of BankTaiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. was the Industry Union of Central Trust of China. On July 1st, 2007, Industry Union of Central Trust of China was merged with Industry Union of BANK OF TAIWAN. However, in order to protect the rights of the union members in two different companies, Industry Union of BankTaiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. was formally established on July, 23rd, 2008. And because the two unions are actually under one mother company, Taiwan Financial Holding, therefore, how to properly participate in the company management and protect the rights of the union members is one of the topics of this research. Some Suggestions Base on This Research: Group contract between national business entity and industry union should be prepared and finalized to protect the rights of existing employees during the process of privatization. 2. Before national business entity initiating the process of privatization, one detail execution proposal should be presented to the responsible committee of Executive Yuan for further investigation. This proposal should be including the details regarding labor rights protection and compensation during the whole privatization process. 3. According to the government regulation, employees of the national entity should be receiving the complete job training for future career change before the privatization process. 4. The current government regulations does not include the stock ratio between the government and employees when proceeding the privatization process. The national entity should finalize the plans for stock options and yearly bonus system for the existing employees before initiating the privatization process.


Company Management Industry Union


