  • 學位論文


The Learning Effect of Computer Network Practical Course on Virtual Networking Security laboratories-a case study of Tamkang University

指導教授 : 梁德昭


在虛擬化技術逐漸成熟之際,虛擬網路安全實驗室為數位學習情境拓展了另一種資訊傳播的管道。在虛擬實驗環境下,學生可採用遠距實習的方式進入模擬環境,實際動手操作如同使用真實網路設備的學習情境,藉此獲得反覆練習的機會,達到學習正向經驗的累積。 本研究旨在利用研究者自編的Linux防火牆和NAT(Network Address Translation)課程教材進行網路實習課程教學,並於教學後評估其學生的學習成效。以淡江大學資訊管理學系參與「網路建構」實習課程的三年級同學共87人為施測對象進行實驗,在不打散原有班級的情況下將施測對象分為實驗組和對照組,採用準實驗設計中的不等組前後測設計(The Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Designs)做為研究方法。對照組學生在一般網路實習課堂環境中學習;實驗組學生則在虛擬實驗環境中進行實作學習,在經過七個星期的學習歷程後,同時量測實驗組與對照組的學習成效並加以分析比較,以及調查實驗組在使用虛擬網路安全實驗室為學習輔助的學習滿意程度,期望提供後續課程內容設計和虛擬環境系統修改的參考變更。 研究結果顯示,融入虛擬化網路安全實驗室於教學環境中的受試者在學習成效的表現上顯著優異於採用傳統學習方式的學生,進步幅度也較大;以實驗室方式進行實習課程的實驗組,經分析其學習滿意程度可以發現,就整體而言,實驗組在網路建構實習課程的整體滿意程度和教師教學、課程教材、系統環境、人際關係各層面的相關性極高,並皆為正相關,顯示在四個層面的學習滿意度越高,其整體滿意度也越高,並且根據滿意度統計分析顯示,學習者不論在教師教學、課程教材、系統環境和人際關係等構面皆賦予較為正面的回饋。


The virtual networking security laboratory expanded another way for information communication during virtualization technique has gradually getting mature. In such a virtual lab environment, students can make connections to the simulation environment remote from their schools, acquiring hands-on operations of networking equipment as the use of physical device and get practices and opportunities to accumulate positive learning experience. The purpose of this research was to examine the learning effect of virtual networking security laboratory adopting in computer networking practical course. The subjects were 87 third grade students in 2 classes from the Department of Information Management in Tamkang University, is divided into experimental and control groups. An experiment with nonequivalent pretest-posttest design was conducted. The students of control group are in the traditional classroom environment to learn; the students of experimental group are in a virtual environment for getting hands-on learning. During a period of seven weeks, analyzing the results of the experimental group and control group and investigate the learning satisfaction of experimental group. Thus we expect to provide some suggestions for content design and modifications of the virtual environment system. The results show that integration of virtual networking security laboratory in the teaching and learning environment are significantly superior to the adoption of traditional learning. Generally speaking, as the learning satisfaction aspect, we found out the overall satisfaction of experimental group are related with their tutors, contents of curriculum, system environment, and interpersonal relationships. According to statistical analysis shows that learners give more positive feedback to tutors, contents of curriculum, system environment and interpersonal relationships.


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