  • 學位論文


Students’ Perceived Usefulness of Instructed Writing Strategies, Strategy Use, and their Writing Difficulties

指導教授 : 張雅慧


語言學習策略在文獻上已大量被研究, 尤其是成功學習者所使用的學習策略更是受到大家的注視, 希望藉此可以增加學習成效低落者在語言學習上有所進步。但是文獻上卻少有探討寫作策略的研究文章, 然而針對學生對於寫作策略的觀感更是有限。 因此本研究的目的在於根據學生的認知, 課堂教授的寫作策略是否有效的幫助他們降低寫作困難, 進而幫助寫作老師了解學生對於寫作策略的使用與需求, 以及學生面臨的寫作困難。研究中, 共有二十二位學生參與。主要研究工具包括: 學生英文學習以及寫作經驗背景問卷、 課堂觀察、講義 (correction notes) 、週記、 訪談、以及學生策略使用前後測量問卷。研究結果發現, 學生最主要的寫作困難為單字量不足、無法將英文句子完整表達、以及對於作文題目背景知識的不足。 另外,學生較常使用的寫作策略為在腦中擬定寫作藍圖、回頭修改文法錯誤或是內容、以及檢查文章是否有連貫。同時, 學生也認為這三個寫作策略最為有用。最後, 研究者針對結果原因以及在教學運用上提出見解。


The study investigated student perceived usefulness to the instructed writing strategies, and the student writing difficulties. Twenty-two college English major freshmen enrolled in English Composition (I) at a private university in northern Taiwan participated in the study. Data were collected through six sources: (1) questionnaire of students’ background in English learning and writing, (2) classroom observation, (3) correction notes, (4) journal entries, (5) interviews, and (6) pre-and post-writing strategy questionnaire. The result displays that, first, vocabulary size is responsible for the students’ major writing difficulty. Second, students perceived planning in mind without making notes to be the most useful writing strategy, and at the same time, they also used the same strategy with the most frequency. Third, except for four students, other students seldom used writing strategies that were not provided in class. It is found that the reported strategies were actually taught by the instructor, and students did not use other strategies that were not taught by the instructor to their writing.


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