  • 學位論文


A Study of Cause-Effect Model on Choosing Recruiting Routes of Job Seekers

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張瑋倫(Wei-Lun Chang)


企業的人才是組織中最重要的資源,也是所有競爭優勢的基礎(Ireland & Hoskisson,2001),要讓企業成功重要的第一步就是「找對人」( Collions,2002)。隨著網際網路的盛行,勞動市場亦受到相當程度的衝擊,求職者與雇主均改變其搜尋工作與人才的方式,以期獲得更滿意的工作與更優秀的人才。企業一直在探討,到底哪種招募管道對於特定人才的招募較為有效,但從求職者的角度來思考,到底哪種招募管道的選擇才是適合自己。人才不足是讓許多企業負責人難以安心的議題,然而每年仍存在許多失業者,其根本原因在於勞動市場上供需雙方認知產生失衡,雇主亟欲透過招募管道甄選符合組織需要的菁英人才,而求職者卻常常無法經由選擇適合自己的招募管道來發展一己之長。 本研究探討工作者之人格特質、資訊素養對招募管道的選擇影響,以及招募管道的不同選擇在個人與組織配適度及工作績效是否有差異。經由便利抽樣採取問卷發放的方式來收集樣本資料,得到有效樣本209份,再依據樣本數據進行統計分析,分析方法包括:敘述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、邏輯斯迴歸、單因子變異數分析及卡方檢定,其分析結果可歸納為以下五點結論: 一、工作者成就動機對所選擇的招募管道具有顯著影響。 二、工作者資訊素養對所選擇的招募管道不具有顯著影響。 三、工作者選擇招募管道的不同在個人與組織配適度上不具有顯著差異。 四、工作者選擇招募管道的不同在工作績效上具有顯著差異。 五、工作者人口統計變項不同在人格特質、資訊素養、招募管道、個人與組織配適度及工作績效會有顯著差異。


As people are most important resources in the organizations, and also be the basis of competitive advantage for all business (Ireland & Hoskisson , 2001). The first step to make business success is to "find people"( Collions , 2002). With the prevalence of the Internet, the labor market was also subject to a considerable degree of impact. Both job seekers and employers changed their way to seek jobs and people and wished to obtain satisfying jobs and outstanding people.Enterprises had been to explore what kind of recruiting route for a particular pipeline was more effective recruitment. However, from the perspective of job-seekers, what kind of recruiting route would be the suitable choice for them. As lack of talent people was a main difficulty for many enterprises. However, there were still many unemployed and with talented people in the external labor market each year. The reason was that the labor market facing imbalances between supply and demand. Employers always try to recruit talent through the routes to fit the organizational needs, but they often feel disappointed. And job seekers are often unable to choose suitable recruitment routes to get the jobs and develop their own careers. This study using the achievement motivation, information literacy on the choice of recruitment channels as independent variables to predict what would be the suitable applied route for job-seeker. And we also try to investigate what would the effect for job-seekers when they choose different applied routes on their performance and fitness with jobs that they were employed. The study was taken through a questionnaire survey to collect samples’ data. Using convenient sampling, 209 samples were effectively. The statistics methods used in this study include descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, logistic regression,ANOVA and chi-squire test. The results of this study were: First, achievement motivations of workers have significant impact on the recruitment route they selected. Second, information literacy of the workers doesn’t have significant impact on the recruitment route they selected. Third, the recruiting routes chosen by workers don’t have significant differences on their person-organization fitness. Fourth, the recruiting routes chosen by workers have significant differences on their performance. Fifth, there are significant differences on the related variables used in this study with different demographic variables of employees.


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