  • 學位論文

日治時期佛教菁英的崛起 –以曹洞宗駒澤大學台灣留學生為中心

The Appearance of the Buddhism Elites in the Japanese Taiwan Rule Times by Overseas Taiwanese Students of Soto Zen Buddhism Komazawa University

指導教授 : 林呈蓉 蔡錦堂


本論文旨在探討何謂「佛教菁英」,所謂的「佛教菁英」指的是日治時期由台灣前往日本,在日本佛教系統大學內深造的台灣人,他們是台灣佛教史上首次出現具有高學歷的佛教知識份子,由於具備相當深度的佛學素養、流利的日文能力,因而成為日治時期佛教界的佼佼者。 日治時期以前,台灣沒有專門培養僧侶的道場或相關的教育機構,台灣社會中僧侶的地位及素質普遍不高,進入日治時期後,日本佛教的傳入,使得台灣佛教(包括佛寺、齋堂以及民間信仰的寺廟)產生極大變化。日本佛教自明治維新以來,在各方面都不斷地進行革新,如:佛教組織的強化、系統化,僧侶教育上改採西洋式的教育方法等,因此逐步呈現帶有近代色彩「教團佛教」之面貌。台灣佛教被納入日本教團佛教系統內之後,也逐漸「組織化」與「系統化」,同時更確立了新式的佛教教育機構。在台灣佛教的蛻變期中,「佛教菁英」是新時代的佛教界知識份子,他們不但扮演日台佛教互動的溝通橋樑,同時也成為總督府宗教政策上的關鍵人物。本文以「佛教菁英」為主要探討的對象,尤其鎖定畢業於東京駒澤大學的台灣學生,藉由釐清他們的出現與崛起的經過,以分析日治時期台灣佛教環境的變化、日台佛教互動情形、總督府宗教政策以及佛教界關係等課題。 本文共分六章,第一章序論說明本文主旨以及前人研究成果。第二章為「日治初期台灣佛教的變化與佛教菁英的培養」,由日本佛教傳入台灣的角度切入,從台日佛教雙方立場的各種變化中,分析「佛教菁英」崛起的原因。第三章為「駒澤大學台灣留學生資料分析」,根據駒澤大學現存的學籍資料,統計日治時期就讀於駒澤大學的台灣學生總數,再由分析學生的出身背景了解台日佛教互動情形。第四章為「台灣佛教菁英的駒澤大學學習經驗」,由於日本佛教教育從明治維新以來,開始積極採取西式教育方式,系統化的建構由中學至大學之新式佛教教育機構,駒澤大學為日本佛教曹洞宗派的最高學府,它具備國內首屈一指的佛學課程和師資,透過分析課程和師資,可探知日治時期前往日本學習佛學的意義所在,以及返台之後「佛教菁英」所呈現的宗教思想與日本佛學教育之關聯。第五章為「台灣佛教菁英與台灣宗教關係」,主要探討「佛教菁英」返台後所參與的宗教活動,以及其所呈現的宗教改革思想,本章以「佛教菁英」發表於《南瀛佛教》的文章,以及相關著作為中心,分析「佛教菁英」返台後所扮演的角色。第六章為結論,綜合各章的分析探討,歸納出「佛教菁英」的崛起給予台灣佛教界的影響,及其所扮演的角色。


The main subject of this thesis discusses “the Buddhism Elites,” which characterizes the Taiwanese who studied in Japanese Buddhism systematic Universities during Japanese ruling period. These people are the first Buddhism intellectuals who graduated from university, or higher educational institutes. Due to their ingrained and cultivated Buddhism knowledge and their fluent Japanese, they are experts of Buddhism during Japanese ruling period. Before Japanese ruling period, no training hall or relevant educational institutes, which train monks, were found in Taiwan; therefore, Taiwanese monks’ social status is generally low. After the introduction of Japanese Buddhism during Japanese ruling period, Taiwanese Buddhism was seriously transformed, including temples and vegetarian halls. Down to Meiji Restoration, Japanese Buddhism was revolutionized in various ways, gradually formed the appearance of “the church of Buddhist,” for example: the intensification and systemization of Buddhism organization, and acceptation of West educational methods. Since Taiwan’s Buddhism was included in Japan’s the church of Buddhist, it was “organized” and “systemized,” meanwhile, it was also established as modern Buddhism educational institute. During the transformation of Taiwanese Buddhism, “Buddhism elites” play a crucial role not only to communicate between Taiwan and Japan’s Buddhism, but also dominant religious strategies made by Governor-General. This thesis makes “Buddhism elites” as the discussing focus, especially targets those graduated from Tokyo Komazawa university. By clarifying their evolving process, we could analyze the changes of the environment of Taiwan’s Buddhism, the interaction between Japan and Taiwan’s Buddhism, and Governor-General’s religious policies during Japanese ruling period. This thesis is classified as six chapters. The first chapter explains my thesis and previous academic achievements. The second chapter is “the Transformation of Taiwan’s Buddhism and Cultivation of Buddhist Elites During the Early Phase of Japanese Ruling Period,” which aims to, from the interaction between Taiwan and Japan’s Buddhism, analyze the reasons of the rise of Buddhist elites. The third chapter is “Data Analysis of Taiwan’s Overseas Students of Tokyo Komazawa University,” which gathers now-existing school roll of Tokyo Komazawa University, compiling the number of Taiwan’s overseas students, and analyzes their backgrounds, in order to have a better understanding of the interaction between Taiwan and Japan’s Buddhism. The forth chapter is “the Learning Experiences of Taiwan’s Buddhist Elites in of Tokyo Komazawa University;” since after Meiji Restoration, Japan’s Buddhism education was institutional westernized aggressively, and Tokyo Komazawa University is Cao-Don sect’s highest academic institution, its curriculums and faculty were finest. Through analysis, we could delve into the meaning of why Buddhist elites so eagerly went there and how they trained. The fifth chapter is “the Relationship between Taiwan’s Buddhist Elites and Taiwan’s Religion,” which discusses the religious activities the Buddhist elites attended when they came back, and their intentions of reforming religion. The discussion in this chapter is surrounded by the article, which published in “Nanying Buddhism,” and its relevant books, intending to explore Buddhist elites’ role in Taiwan. The sixth chapter is served as a conclusion, by organizing the analysis above, explaining Buddhist elites’ role and the influences of their rise upon Taiwan’s Buddhism culture.


江燦騰,《臺灣近代佛教的變革與反思 : 去殖民化與臺灣佛教主體性確立的新探索》(台北:東大圖書公司,2003)。


