  • 學位論文


The strategies of Japanese Game Industry

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


日本電玩產業被稱為最能代表日本文化,且為足以領導全球潮流的產業。日本的電玩產業成功地扮演了向世界宣傳日本文化、日本品牌的角色。因此,電玩產業對日本經濟而言有著不可或缺的重要性。電玩是70年代由美國誕生的產業,但當時的電玩企業如雨後春筍,遊戲的品質因此呈現粗製爛造的現象,造成消費者對電玩遊戲一時完全失去興趣,而美國的電玩產業也在70年代後期快速地衰退。而到了80年代,日本的電玩企業「任天堂」推出的「Family Computer」極受到消費者的喜愛,進而確立了日本電玩產業的「標準化策略」,因此日本的電玩產業開始領先群雄,成為全球的指標性產業。 90年代的Sony Computer Entertainment以後起者之姿推出了「Play Station」系列,成功地搶下了過半的市佔率,而電玩的「標準化市場」也正式交棒給Sony Computer Entertainment,而同時間微軟公司也加入電玩業界,電玩業界的三方霸權正式成立。另一方面,近年來因為網路的普及而形成的線上遊戲、手機遊戲、攜帶型電玩主機,正以跟以往完全不同的遊戲型態影響著電玩業界。2007年開始推出的第三世代主機也帶來創新的遊戲方式、先進的影音處理技術。從以上種種因素來看,我們可以期待電玩市場的活性化,也就是電玩業界正面臨著激烈競爭的戰國時代。 本論本的中心在於日本電玩企業在面臨如此激烈的競爭下所採取的經營策略,與線上遊戲、手機遊戲、次世代主機所帶來的影響。接著探討各電玩企業的標準化經營策略和能成為標準化的要素。所謂的「標準化策略」即為成為業界中的標準。因為本論文以80年代的任天堂和90年代的Sony Computer Entertainment為案例,詳細說明能成為標準化的經營策略和要素。


It is generally considered that Japanese game industry is one of the most critical Japanese industries. Besides, Japanese game industry successfully promotes the culture of Japan and becomes the most representative soft power of economic. Although the game industry was started by American industries during the 1970s, the game software’s quality was so terrible that the consumers soon lost their interests. Therefore, the American game industry led to a great recession and becoming a turning point for Japanese game industries. During the 1980s, Nintendo gathered players’ attention by publishing the game engine “Family Computer” and becoming the “de facto standard” of the game market. Furthermore, it also strengthened the strategy “de facto standard” and Japanese game industries became the leader of the worldwide game market. During the 1990s, the budding game industry ”Sony Computer Entertainment” published “Play Station”, taking more than fifty percent of game market share, taking over the “de facto standard” from Nintendo. Meanwhile, “Microsoft” attended the game market, and the main three authorities of the game industries were finally formed. On the other hand, On-line games, cell phone games, and mobile games are affecting the game market with a whole new gaming-style. Besides, the third generation game engines have brought whole new gaming technology since 2007. Thus, we can anticipate the whole new era of game industries. This essay is based on the strategies that Japanese game industries took during this era and the affections that these third generation games had caused. Furthermore, this essay also focuses on the the strategies of “de facto standard” and takes “Nintendo” and “Sony Computer Entertainment” as study cases for illustrating the essential factors of “de facto standard”.


「ITmedia+D Games」
Arrow, Kenneth J村上泰亮訳(1999)『組織の限界』岩波書店
IGDA Online Games Committee(2006)『IGDA オンラインゲーム白書』


