  • 學位論文


Studies on China's soft power under peaceful development

指導教授 : 吳漢


軟實力是指國家透過一國的文化、意識型態、制度、政治思想、價值觀和政府政策的正當性或道德威信等來形塑他國的偏好,使自己的目標變成他人的目標;透過吸引、說服和溝通來感動他人,且能帶來默認或模仿的效果。本文首先就軟實力的起源與基本意涵做出分析,然後探討軟實力與硬實力的相互關係。接著說明軟實力如何在中國產生影響,中國軟實力的概念如何形成。 本文認為中國軟實力指的就是中國近年增加的國際影響力、對外行為或戰略變遷、戰術手段等議題的一個總稱,一種新的中國國際形象。筆者稱之為Chinese Image。因此接下來本文將「中國軟實力」這個主題,進行中、英文文獻分析。分析的結果本文採取三個部份來觀察,也就是政治、經濟與文化。在這三個主題上本文的重點在於從文獻中分析軟實力概念對中國產生的影響。也就是中國在使用的軟實力這樣的因素之後,如何在政治、經濟與文化方面呈現出他想表達的結果。 總結來說,中國軟實力就是一種中國的魅力攻勢。這種魅力攻勢的範圍,是一種以軍事範疇為根本,但又把軍事行為排除在外的全方位行動。對中共而言,中國軟實力所運用的範圍,就是要來成就中國的一種新的國際形象,Chinese Image。


Soft power is an invisible power of a nation that can shape other countries’ preferences by its culture, ideology, system, political ideas, values, and the legitimacy of government’s policies. This thesis will start from the origin of soft power and analyze it, the correlation between soft power and hard power. Than explan how soft power result the effects in China, how the concept of China’s soft power arise from. This study argues that China’s soft power is the international influence from China in these recently year. It is a kind of China’s new international image, also called Chinese Image. This thesis is based on analyzing English and Chinese literatures relating to the topic “China’s soft power.” Than the study trys to find how China use soft power to get new image from three different ways, politic, economy and culture. China’s soft power is a kind of China’s charm offensive. The ambit of this charm offensive is based on military but used by extra-military instruments. For THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA , China’s soft power is a way to development China’s new international image, it also called Chinese Image.


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