  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors of Internet Business - A Case Study of Internet Community

指導教授 : 陳海鳴


自從1994年刊登第一個橫幅廣告之後,網路廣告即成為網際網路上最早出現的收費類型。到了2000年底,電子商務均面臨了泡沫化危機,其產生的原因在於網站過度依賴刊登網路廣告所得的收入與沒有清楚的商業模式。也因為網路泡沫化的危機,讓許多網站業者將注意力回歸到基本面,開始注重網站的商業模式。截至2004年,全球前15名國家的總上網人口數已達9億人;截至2006年,台灣地區上網人口約1,538萬人,整體人口上網率已達67.69%,全球使用網際網路的人口都是在持續成長的,而且有許多小型網站陸續掘起,尤其有一些創意型功能的網站甚至搶走了原本在大型傳統通路與大型廣告媒體的生意。 網際網路的服務會費與廣告營收的基礎來自會員的人數多寡與會員的忠誠度,也就是說網路社群的經營為網站獲利的基礎。本研究綜合國內外網路社群的相關商業模式、以國內的無名小站進行個案分析、並以國內網路社群會員進行關鍵成功因素的問卷調查,以歸納整理出有關社群平台經營之商業模式與關鍵成功因素,以為有志參與網際網路事業的創業家所參考,並增加其創業成功的機率。 本研究主要針對27項影響要素進行因素分析後,得出八項關鍵成功因素,依序重要因素排名並分別命名為「創作內容與資料安全」、「基本的社群空間」、「會員的成長與激勵」、「平台功能」、「商業活動與廠商接觸」、「社交環境的安全與誠信」、「行銷活動」以及「品牌與口碑形象」。


Since Web banner was introduced to the public in 1994, internet advertisement had become the first profit model on internet. Because of the websites were relying on the internet advertisement too much and no clear business model, the burst of internet bubble happened by the end of 2000. Nowadays, online business models undoubtedly become the critical issue for website operators. The population of top 15 nations has reached 934 million by 2004, and internet user has reached 67.69% of population in Taiwan in 2006. The internet users are gradually growing globally and some creative websites even seize the traditional business channels and media advertisement from giant enterprises. Internet membership fees and advertisement revenue come from the website members and their loyalty, therefore, internet community is the basis for the internet profit. In this research, we summarized the internet business models on related literatures, had WRETCH.CC a community case study, randomly chose internet community members to have questionnaire, and finally analyzed the Key Success Factors for internet community. This research had factor analysis based on 27 impact factors, and got 8 Key Successful Factors, importantly ranked and named by creative content and safe personal information, basic community space, members’ development and incentive, platform feature, business activity and provider contact, the security and honesty for social environment, marketing activity, and branding and image.


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