  • 學位論文


A Study of Physicians Attitude toward Relationship and Sponsorship Behavior on Pharmacy

指導教授 : 李月華


近年來,台灣的外資藥廠採取公關贊助的形式,提昇公司在台灣的知名度與企業形象。另一方面透過公關贊助活動,和公司產品或服務銷售結合在一起,增加醫師對企業的好感,同時也是關係品質維護與延伸的另一策略。 本研究以藥業為例,公關贊助活動對於關係品質的提升是否有加成作用?以及個人對公關參與態度是否為公關效益成敗的主因?基於上述因素,本研究期望以醫師之觀點探討藥廠公關贊助與關係品質之間的關聯性影響。冀能將研究結果提供給業界,以利日後參考。 本研究採取問卷調查方式,經由訪員實地拜訪醫師,總共收回有效問卷282份,有效樣本回收率為70.5%。結果顯示醫師對藥廠公關贊助態度相對於關係品質的影響程度,會因藥廠不同而有不同的結果;且公關活動參與意向高的醫師,會比參與意向低的醫師,較易受到藥廠公關贊助影響到與藥廠的關係品質。除此之外,相同的公關贊助活動會讓區域醫院的醫師有較深的印象且較能提昇對該藥廠的關係品質。醫藥代表透過不同的拜訪頻率,傳遞藥品資訊及專業服務,亦會影響醫師與藥廠的關係品質;這些與醫師長期互動所建立的關係,會直接影響到醫師對該藥廠的公關贊助活動的態度,進而使醫師認同該藥廠的公關活動價值,且對關係品質有更進一步的提昇。


關係品質 公關贊助 西藥業


In recent year, most of the foreign pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan try to raise their reputation and the image through the sponsorships of PR activity, also in strategic aspect, would extend the quality of relation with physicians. This study in a survey of physicians’ view to investigate whether the quality of relation between physicians and pharmaceutical company can be enhanced through PR sponsorship, or depend on the physicians’ intention of participation. Furthermore, the result of this study may be provided as the experience to other related industry in the future. This study based on questionnaire survey and 282 samples were valid. The valid response ratio was 70.5%. According to the analysis, the major results are obtained: (1) The attitude and intention of Doctor’s participation on PR activity sponsored by pharmaceutical company depend on the sponsor. (2)The doctors who have higher intention of participation on PR activity, resulted easier influenced on quality of relation. (3) Compare to others, the regional hospital physicians have deeper impression on PR activity and would affect to further quality of relation. (4)The medical representatives deliver the product information and good service through frequently visit will enhance the relationship of quality. (5)Long term interaction with doctors will elevate the value of PR activity and make it more successful within further improvement of relationship of quality.


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