  • 學位論文


Apply RSS Technologies on Mobile Devices of Value-Added Services in Traveling Information

指導教授 : 徐郁輝


觀光產業是世界各國普遍重視的無煙囪工業,與科技產業共同被視為是21 世紀的明星產業,在創造就業機會及賺取外匯的功能上具有明顯效益。根據世界觀光旅遊委員會(WTTC)推估,未來10年全球觀光產業成長情形為:旅遊支出自4.21兆美元成長至8.61兆美元,觀光旅遊產業對GDP 貢獻率將自3.6%增至3.8%,其就業人數將自目前1.98億人增加至2.5億人。由此可見觀光產業在今後全球經濟發展上將扮演重要的角色。交通部觀光局「觀光客倍增計畫」,預定西元2007年時,來台灣的旅客可成長至500萬人次。隨著生活水準的提升和週休制度的實施,國人也愈來愈重視休閒旅遊活動,大部分都會上網查詢旅遊景點的資料,而查到的資料若手邊有印表機可能將其列印出來,若沒印表機就只好靠記憶或者是拿筆抄下來,但是有時出門匆匆忙忙忘記帶行程表,而導致不能照自己當初規劃的行程遊玩。本論文主要是設計一個旅遊發表和訂閱系統,透過手機瀏覽來取代原先印或寫在紙的行程表,提出一整合旅遊資訊之應用,經由本系統,藉由RSS的特點,可以使觀光客不會因為忘記帶行程表就不能照當初預計的行程遊玩。


旅遊資訊 行動設備


Tourism is a non-smokestack industry that is held in high importance by countries all over the world. Together with high-tech industry, it is regarded as one of the star industrial sectors of the 21st century, delivering evident benefits in creating jobs and earning foreign exchange. According to estimates by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), over the next ten years the global tourism industry will enjoy a rise in tourism expenditure from US$4.21 trillion to US$8.61 trillion, will increase its share of global GDP from 3.6% to 3.8%, and will increase the number of jobs it provides from 198 million to 250 million. Thus it is evident that the tourism industry will play a major role in future global economic development. Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation of "Doubling Tourist Arrivals Plan" scheduled in 2007. Taiwan visitors can grow up to 500 million passengers.Because the living standard promotes with the week rest an institutional implement, the people also values a recreation tour activity more and more, greatly the parts all will get to the Internet to search data of traveling the beauty spot, but check of data if have printer at hand to print out it probably, if has no printer to have to depend on memory perhaps is take a pen to copy down, sometimes go out to forget to bring route of travel form in a hurry, but cause can't shine on oneself program at the beginning of the route of travel play.This thesis is to design a Tourism Publication and Subscription System, browse through the phone to replace schedule which original printed or written on the paper. Made a tourist information integration application. We offer a integration application of travel information, across this system, by RSS's characteristic. Tourists can not forget to bring their schedule let them play originally schedule.


RSS Mobile Device Traveling Information


[19] http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/advisoryBoard(2006), Advisory Board, RSS at Harvard Law.
[21] http://www.downes.ca/files/RSS_Educ.htm(2004)Stephen Downes ,An Introduction to RSS for Educational Designers.
[1] 沈冠亞(民 94),「台灣觀光事業的現況及未來發展」,海基會兩岸經貿網。
[2] 胡仲軒(民 93),網頁資料交換技術介紹。
[3] 黃天賜(民 94),「交錯雜綜的RSS演進史」,iTHome,202期 頁66。


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