  • 學位論文

蘇聯波蘭外交關係研究 (1939-1947)

A Study of Soviet-Polish Relations during World War II and its Aftermath, 1939-1947

指導教授 : 馬良文


蘇聯與波蘭是鄰國,不過兩國之間的關係史為:互相對抗,相互佔領與不斷的權力競爭。如此以來,兩國之間並沒有真正友好的關係。作者用蹺蹺板的比喻形容雙方的關係史:當一個國家佔優勢的時候,另一個國家則是處於劣勢者與慘敗者。但當兩國同時處於劣勢,表面上關係良好。其實,私底下利用各式各樣的方法來爭取各自國家的利益。蘇聯瓦解與冷戰結束後,這種關係漸漸的消逝了,但是到現在為止兩國關係還有很多爭論. 俄國對波蘭的觀點有下列因素:沙皇擴張政策、蘇聯安全政策與社會主義發展考量。對波蘭來說,具有重建恢復帝國或成為諸斯拉夫國家的領導作用。 由於第二次世界大戰之前的波蘭史是非常重要,因為先於1918年重建獨立的國家,二十年之後國家滅亡,不久接著又被蘇聯重新統治。蘇波兩國戰爭之前的重要主題如下: 1. 背景 - 波蘭立陶宛帝國-莫斯科大公國 - 波蘭瓜分-俄國帝國 - 第一次世界大戰結果-1920年代蘇波戰爭 2. 波蘭作為獨立之國-蘇聯作為共產黨之國 - 波蘭外交策略 - 蘇聯外交策略與德蘇軍事合作 3. 第二次世界大戰 - 在蘇聯統治之下的東波蘭 - 西方、波蘭與蘇聯之間的外交策略 - 波蘭共產黨員與二次大戰發展 - 波蘭作為蘇聯的衛星國 本文研究第二次世界大戰之前期、中期和後期的蘇波關係,描繪當時國際政治的情況以及說明兩國和西方同盟之間的外交策略與目的,也分析蘇聯對波蘭侵佔策略與霸權。


The history of Polish-Russian relations was marked by rivalry, conquest and power play. Generally, Russia’s policy towards Poland revolved on Tsarist expansionism, Soviet security concerns, advancement of socialism; while that of Poland towards Russia centered on the dream of revival of an old empire or Polish supremacy among the Slavic nations. The author investigates primarily the inter-war period, because it precipitated Poland’s re-emergence as independent state in the 20th century, her downfall 20 years later and subordination to the USSR. The Polish-Soviet interwar relations include the following important issues: a) Background - Polish-Lithuanian Empire/ Rise of Muscovy - The Partitions of Poland / Tsarist Empire - WWI aftermath/ 1920 Polish-Soviet War b) Independent Poland / Communist Soviet Union - Poland foreign policy - Soviet diplomacy and Soviet-German collaboration c) WWII - Eastern Poland under Soviet occupation - Western, Polish, Soviet diplomatic overture - Polish communists and war development - Towards a Soviet Satellite The thesis presents in detail the Polish-Soviet relations on the eve, during and the aftermath of WWII, analyzing the circumstances and revealing the motives of the diplomatic moves of both countries and to a certain extent the position of Poland’s Western allies. The mechanism of Soviet hegemony’s encroachments on Poland is also given due attention.


Primary Sources:
1. Cantenbein, James W., ed., Documentary Background of World War II, 1931 to 1941. New York: Octagon Books, 1975.
4. Kimball, Warren F. ed., Churchill & Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence, Vol II. Princeton: Princeton Univ., 1984.
5. Kimball, Warren F. ed., Churchill & Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence, Vol III. Princeton: Princeton Univ., 1984.
7. Ross, Graham, ed., The Foreign Office and the Kremlin: British Documents on Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1941-45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984


