  • 學位論文


Globalization Strategy of Japanese Corporation:A Case Study of TOYOTA

指導教授 : 任燿廷


全球經濟的發展,在如GATT以及WTO等國際組織經由貿易協商方式的努力之下,已將國與國之間的貿易障璧逐漸打破。近幾十年來,國際貿易以及海外直接投資都有巨幅的成長。在日益開放且競爭的經濟環境之下,企業如何將產品以最低的成本進行生產,並且在最短的時間內送達客戶的手中,已成為在國際市場競爭致勝的要素。企業在進行全球化佈局時,除了在本國從事其擅長的產品生產或勞務提供的經濟活動之外,一方面透過比較利益法則,在勞動成本更低的國家進行生產,一方面則為了更貼近市場而在海外進行行銷,此時多國籍企業以及海外直接投資也就應運而生。 以汽車這項具有製造業代表性的產品來說,其兼具了幾個特色,1)同時是世界型的產品,也是當地型的產品。例如在美國生產的LEXUS汽車,可同時銷售到美國,日本,以及台灣市場,但同時由於各地消費者嗜好的不同,也生產具有當地特色的產品,例如在美國便是以大型休旅車為其銷售主力,在台灣以及日本則是以房車轎車為其主力。2)有高度的產業以及經濟影響力。汽車由於構成的零件眾多,其生產往往需要許多的協力廠商配合,因此也被認為是產業以及經濟的火車頭。也因此,許多國家往往會以政策的手段去干預,無論是美日的貿易摩擦,進而使日本自行縮減輸出;台灣早年對國產裕隆汽車的產業保護政策;以及1994年中國大陸提出的21世紀新汽車政策中的「三大三小二微」,限制進入汽車市場的競爭者數量,都是屬於一種高度政策干預的手段。 豐田汽車的國際化沿革,大致可分為以下兩個方向:其一,是對貿易自由化的先進工業國外銷策略。其二是對開發中國家汽車國產化政策的現地生產策略,針對不同比較利益的國家,配合其政策,去進行企業的全球化佈局。 多國籍企業在持續擴張海外市場,以及海外現地生產之時,需針對不同的比較利益條件的國家,去作生產以及行銷,甚至是品牌以及產品的配置,使各地的據點得以發揮綜效,進而對公司整體營運產生正面的幫助,而非只是雜亂無章的追求規模的擴大,並據此建構起更綿密的企業內國際分工網路。


The global economy development, through trade consultation of GATT and WTO, trade bonds between country and country have been broken gradually. In the past decades, the international trade and oversea direct investment have the huge growth. Under the violent competition environment, how does the enterprise carry on the production by the lowest cost , and deliver to customer in the shortest time decides who’s the winner, has become the essential factor which sends in the international market competition. Automobile is the representative product of manufacturing industry, it concurrently has had several characteristics: 1) simultaneously, it is the world product, also the local product. 2) With high industry and economical influence. Because the automobile is assembled by multitudinous components, and needs many coordinating manufacturers, usually considered as motive power of economies. Toyota’s globalization strategy may be divided into the following two directions: First, is the sale abroad strategy for advanced industrialized country. Second is to develop local production following domestically automobile manufacturing policy in developed countries. The multinational enterprise is expanding the overseas market continually, and developing overseas local production must depend on different comparative advantage to make the production and marketing, even the brand strategy, to enable each place the foothold to display the synthesis effect but not chaotic pursue scale expansion, then has the positive help to the overall enterprise.


1、 Endel Kolde(1973)International Business Enterprises,Prentice-Hall,2nd edition
2.、Michael Porter&Michael Fuller(1986)Coalitions and Global Strategy, in Michael Porter,Competition in Global industries,Harvard Business School Press
4、 Vernon and Wells(1991),The Manager in the international Economy,Prentice-Hall,6th edition
5.、William A. Dymsza (1984)Global Strategic Planning : A Model and Recent Developments, Journal of International Business Studies,Fall
壹、中文參考文獻 ( 依筆畫順序排列 )


