  • 學位論文


Scandinavian Model Study: The Relations of SDP, Citizen and National Development.

指導教授 : 謝福助


瑞典、挪威和丹麥在20世紀30年代已實行社會民主主義並有成熟的政黨體制,社民黨在1930年代以後上台執政,並維持了一段長時期的優勢地位,展開了斯堪地那維亞地區自有的國家發展制度。斯堪地那維亞地區長期受社民黨的執政下,三國的社會民主發展快速。在許多方面有共同之處:各國都有著較為相似的福利政策,全面的福利政策已經制度化並對國家的穩定作出了很大貢獻,都試圖利用強大的國家機器以及政治集團的力量將市場經濟、議會民主和福利制度統一起來;在對外關係方面,瑞典、挪威和丹麥在面臨如歐盟的整合下,紛紛作出不同的應變措施,對於歐盟的超國家主義保持一定的距離,而三國對外政策的共同點就是維護國家主權的獨立,維持既有模式的標準。 因此,本研究主要是以長期維繫斯堪地那維亞地區政治、經濟及社會為探討範圍,尤其在其歷史的成因以及特質上,作進一步的研究。此外,這三國在面對相關內外政策矛盾時,如何去調節?本研究也在尋找它們自我調整與因應環境變革之境。 本文重點如下: 一、斯堪地那維亞的主要政黨和社會民主的發展; 二、斯堪地那維亞的社民黨的優勢地位和其政策基礎; 三、斯堪地那維亞政黨的競爭變化; 四、瑞典、挪威和丹麥面對歐盟整合的變化。 最後將整合以上的重點,回顧整個斯堪地那維亞模式的發展歷史及對外及展,並總結出研究發現。


Swden, Norway, Denmark implemented Social Democracy and kept stable party system in the 30’s of the 20th century. After 1930’s, Social Democratic Party held the reins of government, maintained their predominance and expanded the unique model in the Scandinavian region.These three countries developed fast under the regime of Social Democratic Party.Each country has similar and institutionalized welfare policies; moreover,market economy, parliamentarism and welfare system are combined by powerful state apparatus.About the integration of the European Union, the three countries drafted different measures and suspected supernationalism of EU;the common ground is to preserve the independence of national sovereignty and ensure national interests. Therefore,this thesis mainly explores political, economic and social sections of the Scandinavian States, proceeds the further approach, especially on the historical elements and features.In addition,these three states fronted the contradiction between domestic and diplomatic affairs, how to Adjust? There are four key points in this thesis.They are,first,the development of the major party and Social Democracy in Scandinavia;second,Social Democratic Party and its main policy;third,the competition among the five parties in its country;and last,this part approaches the relationship between the Scandinavian States and EU. In the end,we assess the effects from the purpose,the implementation and the evaluation of the programme.


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