  • 學位論文


A Hybrid Wireless Network Architecture Applied into Tracking and Paging System

指導教授 : 王英宏


移動性(Mobility)一直是無線網路的重要研究議題,如何讓資料不中斷的傳輸,確保移動後的傳輸品質都是值得探討的問題。近來無線感測器網路(wireless sensor networks)是一個熱門的研究議題與工具,主要可以應用於自然保護區棲息地的監控、危險區域環境的事件監測和收集、建築物的監視和戰場上敵軍動向的監控等人力無法直接處理的工作。而由於微處理器的技術、通訊技術及電池技術的發展,使得感測器節點具有感應、無線通訊及處理資訊的能力。此類感測器不但能夠感應及偵測環境的目標物及改變,並且可處理收集到的數據,並將資料聚集(data aggregation)後以無線傳輸的方式送到資料收集中心(sink)或基地台(base station)。 但是這樣的網路節點對於能量(energy)、儲存容量(storage capacity)、計算能力(computing power)有嚴格的限制,為了節省傳輸時能量消耗,感測器一般而言為短距離、低功率的傳輸。因此如果基地台距離感測器太遠時,感測器需要利用多重節點路由(multi-hop routing)的方法將資料經由多個感測器組成的路徑傳回基地台。所以本篇提出一個結合超寬頻(Ultra-WideBand, UWB)、及Tow-Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD)無線感測器網路路由協定(routing protocol)的整合無線網路架構,希望透過此架構可以支援快速追蹤定位、傳呼機制、資訊搜集回覆、以及根據不同需求等級提供良好QoS資料的傳輸。


Mobility is an important issue of wireless network research. How to deliver data without interruption and guarantee the QoS after device move? Wireless sensor networks are emerging as a popular research issue and tool for habitat monitoring in nature preserves, monitoring and gathering events in hazardous environments, surveillance of buildings, and surveillance of enemy activities in a battlefield environment. Advances in processor, radio, and battery technology will enable small and cheap nodes capable of sensing, wireless communication, and data computation. This kind of sensor nodes not only can respond to and detect the change of environment source, and can deal with the data they collected, and then deliver to sink or base station by wireless links after data aggregation. However, nodes in a sensor network are severely constrained by energy, storage capacity and computing power. To save the energy consumption in transmission, sensor networks should be short-range operation, low data rate, and a reasonable battery life. Therefore, if a sensor node is far from the base station, it must deliver the data by using multi-hop routing methods. Hence, we propose integration architecture by combining ultra-wideband (UWB) and routing protocol related to sensor networks. By using this architecture, we wish that sensor networks can support fast location-tracking, paging mechanism, information gathering and response, and offer good QoS level for data transmission according to different requests.


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