  • 期刊


Adaptation to Climate Change: Regional Revitalization and Community Health


聯合國環境部(United Nations Environment Programme)於2018年針對健康領域的全球氣候變遷調適作為提出落差關鍵報告「The Adaptation Gap Report 2018」,報告中指出世界各國目前在健康調適的作為仍不足以因應未來可能面對的衝擊。此外,報告進一步呼籲各國須建構「氣候韌性的健康系統」(Climate Resilience of Health System),透過不同領域與跨部門合作以建構調適與應對極端天氣的能力。調適策略除了需要國家及地方政府由上而下的整合性政策推動與資源投入外,亦需要由下而上的社區參與及個人落實。本文介紹以社區為基礎的氣候變遷健康調適策略及相關案例,結合地方創生的設計思維,建議將氣候變遷調適融入地方創生的實質推動中,為我國重要國家政策-地方創生-提供一省思參考,期能建構出兼顧地方產業、生活環境和居民健康的永續家園。


氣候變遷 韌性 調適 地方創生 社區健康


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published "The Adaptation Gap Report 2018" in December 2018 to promote adaptation to global climate change in the realm of public health. This report notes that we are still far from being able to cope with the impacts that many scientists are predicting. In addition, this report calls on countries to construct the Climate Resilience of Health System, which is a multidisciplinary approach to building the capacity necessary to prepare for and adapt to extreme weather. Strategies for adaptation require not only top-down integration from national and regional governments but also bottom-up participation from communities and individuals. This article aims to elucidate the concept of community-based adaptation to climate change and presents applications of this concept. Because the government is promoting the national policy of "Regional Revitalization", the sustainable community may be built if this policy takes into account adaptation to climate change.


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