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Excessive screen viewing time by adolescents and body fatness in a developing country: Vietnam




背景與目的:青少年在螢幕前花費的時間因與肥胖有著密切的關係而引起社會的關注。多項研究只證明這個社會健康問題發生在發達國家。儘管肥胖的出現和大量觀看螢幕設備相關的文獻不少,但有關這個問題的研究在越南等發展中國家並不多。這項研究針對在越南胡志明市生活的青少年在螢幕前花費的時間和他們體質指數之間的關係。方法與研究設計:對2024名11-14歲的初中生進行橫斷面研究,測量學生的體質指數和詢問該名學生在螢幕前所花費的時間,包括看電視與打電子遊戲。每日花費兩小時或以上的學生被定義為頻繁使用者,並用國際肥胖工作組的臨界值定義超重和肥胖。結果:青少年每日在螢幕前花費2.2小時,其中53.8%是頻繁使用者,而男生花費的時間比女生多(p<0.001)。學生的年齡越大和家庭財富越多,花費在電子遊戲的時間也隨著增加。超重和肥胖總的流行率為21.1%。多元回歸結果發現,超重和肥胖的學生中男生較多(調整後的OR=2.66, 95% CI:[2.06;3.44],p<0.001),而11-12歲的兒童每日則在螢幕前花費兩小時或以上(調整後的OR=1.48, 95%CI:[1.09;1.99],p<0.02)。結論:在胡志明市,大部分青少年每日花費在螢幕前的時間為兩小時或以上。青少年在螢幕前花費時間長與超重和肥胖流行率增加有關。需要公共健康介入方案,以減少青少年在螢幕前花費的時間。


青少年 螢幕時間 胡志明市 肥胖 越南


Background and Objectives: Screen time among youth has been increasingly recognized as a public health problem because of its link with obesity. This has been demonstrated in many studies conducted in developed countries but few studies have addressed the problem in developing countries, despite an increase literature about the emergence of obesity and a greater access to screen devices in a country like Vietnam. Our study aimed at assessing screen time and its relationship with BMI in adolescents of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. Methods and Study Design: In a cross-sectional study of 2024 junior high school students aged 11-14 of HCMC, students were measured for BMI and questioned on time spent watching television/Video/DVD or using computer for fun. High users were defined as time ≥2 h/d. International Obesity Task Force BMI cutoffs were used to define overweight and obesity. Results: Adolescents spent 2.2 h/d in screen time, with higher values for boys than girls (p<0.001). 53.8% of the respondents were high users. Time spent using computers for fun increased with age, and with the household wealthy index. The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was 21.1%. Using multiple logistic regression, overweight and obesity was higher in boys (adjusted OR=2.66, 95% CI: [2.06; 3.44], p<0.001) and in children aged 11-12 who had a screen time ≥2 h/d (adjusted OR=1.48, 95% CI: [1.09; 1.99], p<0.02). Conclusions: In HCMC, a majority of adolescents spent ≥2 h/d on screen time. High screen time is associated with an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adolescents. Public health intervention programs are needed to reduce screen time among youth.


adolescents screen time Ho Chi Minh City obesity Vietnam
