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Prevalence of Malnutrition in Patients Admitted to a Major Urban Tertiary Care Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam



目的:为了解住院病人营养不良的状况,对越南河内市巴赫麦医院的住院儿童和成人采用人体测量法测定营养不良发生率。方法:对儿科病房、外科病房、重症监护室、肾病病房、消化科病房、呼吸科病房以及内分泌科病房的病人进行单日横断面调查。排除无法参与的患者以及24小时内出院的患者。人体测量数据包括体重、身高(身长)以及上臂围。营养不良的类型、程度以及发生率均遵照WHO标准。结果:调查对象为108名6个月到18.9岁的儿童571名成年病人。儿童消瘦率(体重身高比≤-2 SD或者BMI≤-2 SD,kg/m^2)为19.0%(n= 19/100),生长迟缓率(身高年龄比)为13.9%(n=14/101)。6-59月龄的儿童严重消瘦率(上臂围<11.5 cm或者身高体重比和身高身长比≤-3 SD)为7.0%(n=3/43)。没有一个儿童的身高体重比和身高身长比或者BMI达到肥胖标准。成人的营养不良(BMI<18.5 kg/m^2)率为33.3%(n=141/423),而肥胖(BMI ≥30 kg/m^2)率为0.9%(n=4/423)。成人中呼吸科营养不良病人较多,为40.9%(n=38/93)。结论:与已发表的报道想比,此项住院病人队列中营养不良率较高,特别是成年人,不管儿童还是成人患者几乎不存在肥胖者。


Objectives: To determine the prevalence of malnutrition using anthropometric measures among hospitalized pediatric and adult patients admitted at Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam. Methods: A one-day cross-sectional survey was used in selected wards (Pediatrics, Surgery, Intensive Care Unit, Renal Diseases, Gastroenterology Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, and Endocrinology). Unavailable patients and those discharged within 24 hours were excluded. Anthropometric data included body weight, height (or length), and mid-upper arm circumference. The type, severity, and prevalence rate of malnutrition were defined based on World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Results: The sample was hospitalized children and adults: 108 and 571 were children aged 6 months to 18.9 years old and adult patients, respectively. The overall rate of pediatric wasting (weight-for-height ≤-2 SD or BMI ≤-2 SD, kg/m^2) was 19.0% (n= 19/100) and that of stunting (height-for-age ≤-2 SD) was 13.9% (n=14/101). Using either the mid-upper arm circumference <11.5 cm or the weight-for-height and weight-for-length ≤-3 SD, the rate of severe wasting among children aged 6-59 months old was 7.0% (n=3/43). None of the children were obese based on weight-for-length, weight-for-height, or BMI. In adults, the prevalence of under-nutrition (BMI<18.5 kg/m^2) was 33.3% (n=141/423) while that of obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m^2) was 0.9% (n=4/423). Adults admitted to the Respiratory Diseases ward had the highest prevalence of under-nutrition, 40.9% (n=38/93). Conclusions: The prevalence of malnutrition was high in this cohort of hospitalized patients, particularly in adults, but comparable to other published reports. Obesity was nearly nonexistent in both children and adults.


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