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Supplementary Figures and Tables from Drivers of future urban flood risk

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posted on 2019-12-19, 10:59 authored by Emily C. O'Donnell, Colin R. Thorne
The Source – Pathway – Receptor (SPR) framework used in analysing the drivers of flood risk, and the relationships with drivers, responses and impacts. Adapted from (Evans et al., 2008).;Foresight Futures. The vertical dimension shows the system of governance, ranging from autonomy, where power remains at the regional/national level, to interdependence, where power increasingly moves to other institutions. The horizontal dimension shows social values, ranging from individualistic values to community-oriented values. Source: (Evans et al., 2004).;The distribution of average annual damage from river and coastal flooding across England and Wales in the 2080s. The maps represent changes in risk by the 2080s for the four future scenarios. Darker shades of red signify progressively greater increases in damage. Green signifies a reduction. Red area under the ‘Local Stewardship’ scenario, and dark red areas under the other three scenarios coincide with urban conurbations. Grid size is 10 x 10 km. Source: (Evans et al., 2004).;The characteristics of the four future scenarios considered in the 2004, 2008 and this current review of the drivers of flood risk. Source: (Evans et al., 2004).;Drivers of fluvial and coastal flooding (note: drivers that are grey-tinted affect flood risk indirectly via other drivers). Source: (Evans et al., 2004).
