
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
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Preparedness of educators to implement modern information technologies in their work with preschool children
(naslov ne postoji na srpskom)
College for Preschool Teachers, Aleksinac

e-adresasonja_velickovic@gmail.com, lstosic@vsvaspitacka.edu.rs
Ključne reči: modern information technologies; educator; professional pedagogical and methodological competence; professional development
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This study explores the issue of the preparedness of educators to realize the contents of the PPP (Preschool Preparatory Program) from the point of view of digitalization and informatization of the society The authors are in favour of the implementation of modern educational technology in the process of educating preschool children with the aim of improving the quality of educational work. By this we primarily mean the use of computers and didactic programs in kindergartens which are seen as institutions which carry out a systematic and planned education of preschool children. With this objective have the results of the research of the degree to which the educators are prepared to use computer in the process of realization of the contents of the Preparatory preschool program been presented. The results show that educators are interested in implementing ICT (Information and Communication Technology) within the process of educating preschool children who live and grow up in an era of Information Technology. The use of computers can surely help in the process of realization of the contents of the Preparatory Preschool Program; however, the truth is that they are not properly trained and qualified to do so, or to be more precise, they do not possess adequate pedagogical and methodological competence to be able to implement modern Information Technologies in their work with preschool children.
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O članku

jezik rada: engleski
vrsta rada: izvorni naučni članak
DOI: 10.5937/IJCRSEE1601023V
objavljen u SCIndeksu: 25.06.2016.

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