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Supporting data and materials for the de novo assembly of Dekkera bruxellensis CBS11270 using multiple technologies.

Dataset type: Genome-Mapping, Genomic, Software
Data released on November 04, 2015

Olsen R; Bunikis I; Tiukova I; Holmberg K; Lotstedt B; Pettersson OV; Passoth V; Kaller M; Vezzi F (2015): Supporting data and materials for the de novo assembly of Dekkera bruxellensis CBS11270 using multiple technologies. GigaScience Database.


We present a genomic dataset sampled from the yeast Dekkera bruxellensis using three different technologies: Illumina short-read sequencing, PacBio long-read sequencing and optical mapping. The Illumina data consists of four different libraries of differing insert sizes (ie. paired-end fragments and mate-pair libraries), following the ALLPATHS recipe.
The purpose was to generate a draft genome assembly of high quality by combining these three different and somewhat complementary technologies. As a by-product of our work we present a pipeline for de novo assembly, NouGAT. It is a semi-automated pipeline for read pre-processing, de novo assembly with support of a wide range of assemblers and final assembly evaluation.
The version of the pipeline hosted here in GigaDB is the version as published (02-Nov-2015), for the most upto date version users are directed to the GitHub repository.

Additional details

Read the peer-reviewed publication(s):

  • Olsen, R.-A., Bunikis, I., Tiukova, I., Holmberg, K., Lötstedt, B., Pettersson, O. V., Passoth, V., Käller, M., & Vezzi, F. (2015). De novo assembly of Dekkera bruxellensis: a multi technology approach using short and long-read sequencing and optical mapping. GigaScience, 4(1).

Additional information:

Accessions (data included in GigaDB):

ENA: ERP012947

Click on a table column to sort the results.

Table Settings
Sample ID Common Name Scientific Name Sample Attributes Taxonomic ID Genbank Name
CBS11270 Brettanomyces bruxellensis Dekkera bruxellensis Alternative accession-BioSample:SAMEA3639848
Alternative names:Dekkera bruxellensis

Click on a table column to sort the results.

Table Settings

File Name Description Sample ID Data Type File Format Size Release Date File Attributes Download
Readme TEXT 2.47 kB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 9f7fd540b0fc9bc6ee0dee3fe99588eb
ABySS assembly Sequence assembly FASTA 5.20 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 59ec48f561d0db5499e7ca2e131580d5
AHA assembly Sequence assembly FASTA 4.04 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 0259820ecb7b9fcaf7276a85ed5eb1e2
ALLPATHS-LG assembly Sequence assembly FASTA 4.14 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 87938800da784d3c55cbdeb84f8f4a46
Optical map guided assembly version chr1-5 Sequence assembly FASTA 4.04 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 454dd822c3903a938114c245b795fc5e
Optical map guided assembly version chr1-7 Sequence assembly FASTA 4.42 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 58fffd51a30bbc874eba617c731b5b5e
FALCON assembly Sequence assembly FASTA 3.15 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 77da463e4965afbebd3175c532caa883
HGAP assembly Sequence assembly FASTA 4.57 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 137a824c0a7f762123dced204969e0d1
PacBioToCA assembly Sequence assembly FASTA 5.03 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 7f1138f9c830900a40b9c5b1b5854fb4
SOAPdenovo assembly Sequence assembly FASTA 6.59 MB 2015-11-02 MD5 checksum: 68486a3b03da7554c1c0ee495180be60
Date Action
November 4, 2015 Dataset publish
November 27, 2015 Manuscript Link added : 10.1186/s13742-015-0094-1