Research Article

Le Textomètre: Un Outil Pour L’Étude de la Structure du Discours et de Son Marquage: A. Présentation et Justification D’Une Nouvelle Tâche Pour L’Étude de la Structure du Discours



[The Textometer: A Tool for the Study of the Structure of a Discourse and its Marking: A. Presentation and Justification of a New Task for the Study of the Discourse Structure]


In order 10 uncover the structure of a discourse or to validate some hypotheses about it, researchers classically ask judges to segment the text. The analysis of the answers of a large number of judges allows the derivation of the hierarchical organization. However, such a procedure does not indicate whether each judge perceived the structure nor whether the interjudge agreement is high. We first analyze the most important works about the subjective structure of a discourse and present their methodological limitations. We then propose a more efficient tool, the textometer, that allows judges to indicate in a analogical way the entire structure of a text.

  • Year: 1992
  • Volume: 32 Issue: 2
  • Page/Article: 141-151
  • DOI: 10.5334/pb.829
  • Published on 1 Jan 1992
  • Peer Reviewed