Research Article

Valences D’Imagerie de 1.130 Noms De La Langue Franchise Parlee



[Imagery Values for 1.130 Nouns from Spoken French]


An estimate of the imagery value (high or low) and concreteness value (abstract or concrete) of 450 nouns was made by 24 judges Later, this procedure was extended with imagery scales only to another set of 680 nouns rated by 106 other judges. Using a 7-point intensity scale, judges were to rale I. how easily each noun evoked a mental image (imagery) and 2. how closely related each noun was to sensory experience (concreteness). Class values of imagery are presented for the 1,130 nouns, along with some relationships and differences between imagery and concreteness. Reliability data complete these normative data.

  • Year: 1981
  • Volume: 21 Issue: 1
  • Page/Article: 21-30
  • DOI: 10.5334/pb.672
  • Published on 1 Jan 1981
  • Peer Reviewed